Register and secure web services


Policy Studio provides the following features that enable you to register and secure web services:

  • You can register a web service in Policy Studio by importing a WSDL file into the web service repository. For more information on registering web services, see Manage web services.

  • The Import WSDL wizard enables you to automatically generate the policies to protect web services. For more information on using the wizard, see Configure policies from WSDL files.

  • You can also manually configure policies to protect web services (for example, if a WSDL file is not available). For more information, see Configure policies manually.

WSDL and XML schema cache

API Gateway maintains a global cache of WSDL and XML schema documents. For more information on adding, updating, and deleting WSDL and XML schema documents, see Manage WSDL and XML schema documents.

API Gateway validates XML schemas and WSDL documents during import. For more information, see the section called “XML schema and WSDL document validation”. To test a WSDL for WS-I compliance, see the section called “Test a WSDL for WS-I compliance”.

WSDLs from a UDDI registry

WSDL documents can be imported from and published to a Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) registry. For more information, see the following topics:

Policy Studio filters

The following Policy Studio filters are of interest when working with web services:

  • The Web Service filter is the main filter generated when a WSDL file is imported into the web service repository. It contains all the routing information and links all the policies that are to be run on the request and response messages into a logical flow. For more information, see the Web service filter topic.

  • The Schema Validation filter is used to validate XML messages against XML schemas stored in the global cache. For more information, see the Schema validation topic.