Key Property Store


A Key Property Store (KPS) is a table of data referenced by policies running on an API Gateway. Data in a KPS table is assumed to be read frequently and seldom written, and can be changed without incurring an API Gateway service outage. KPS tables are shared across an API Gateway group. Data can be stored in one of the following locations:

  • Embedded Apache Cassandra database (default)—data can be distributed across multiple nodes to provide high availability

  • Relational database accessible to all API Gateways in the group

  • JSON files on the local file system

A KPS is typically used to store property values used in policies on an API Gateway. KPS data is injected into policies using selectors created in Policy Studio. Selectors are evaluated and expanded dynamically at runtime. For example, a KPS table contains authorization tokens for different users. A policy looks up the token for the current user, and inserts it into an HTTP request.

KPS tables and collections

KPS tables are organized into collections. The tables in a collection typically have a relationship to each other. For example, the OAuth collection contains a set of tables that store all OAuth-related data. Every KPS table is assigned an alias so that it can be easily referred to in a policy or a REST request.

Column Type Description
email String User email address. This is the primary key used to identify a row in the table.
password String User password. This confidential data is encrypted.
firstName String User first name.
lastName String User surname.
age Integer User age.

Enter data in a KPS table

You can enter data in a KPS table using the API Gateway Manager web console for viewing and modifying data. This is available in API Gateway Manager under Settings > Key Property Stores. The kpsadmin command-line tool also supports data entry in addition to other administrative functions. KPS data can also be read and written by remote programmatic clients using the KPS REST interface.

[Important] Important
New values for encrypted fields are always transmitted to the server in the clear. For security, always use HTTPS when accessing KPS over its REST API (this is the default).

The following example shows some simple table data that has been entered in API Gateway Manager, and which follows the example structure in the section called “KPS tables and collections”:

email password firstName lastName age ***** John Doe 21 ***** Joe Bloggs 42 ***** Jean Dupont 33

In this example, the email column is the primary key. You can use this to look up and uniquely identify a row using a selector expression. For example, the following selector expression evaluates to John:


The following selector expression evaluates to 42:


For more details on selectors, see Select configuration values at runtime.

KPS data sources

A KPS provides a consistent interface to data that can be stored in different data sources. API Gateway supports the following KPS data sources:

  • Embedded Apache Cassandra database (default): Used across an API Gateway group to provide high availability in a production environment.

  • Relational Database: Enables you to use your existing database (for example, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, or MySQL). The following approaches to data storage are supported:

    • Shared storage—data for multiple KPS tables is stored in a single dedicated database table. This is the recommended approach.

    • Per-table storage—each KPS table is backed by a single database table.

  • JSON files on the local file system: Suited to single API Gateway deployments. In a multi-API Gateway scenario, file replication or a shared disk is required to ensure all API Gateways use the same data.

[Note] Note
If a file-based KPS table is shared across API Gateways, the API Gateways must be restarted after data has changed.

Add a KPS collection

A KPS collection is a group of KPS tables. To add a KPS collection, perform the following steps:

  1. In the main Policy Studio tree, right-click Key Property Stores, and select Add KPS Collection.

  2. Complete the following fields in the Add KPS Collection dialog:

    • Name:

      Enter the KPS name (for example, CustomerCollection).

    • Description:

      Enter a text description of your KPS collection.

    • Alias prefix:

      Leave this field blank.

    • Default data source:

      Select one of the following from the list:

      • Embedded (Cassandra)

      • File

      • SQL Database

      Defaults to Embedded (Cassandra).

The newly created KPS collection is displayed on the window on the right.

Edit a KPS collection

To edit a KPS collection, perform the following steps:

  1. In the main Policy Studio tree, select the KPS collection to edit under Key Property Stores.

  2. Click the Properties tab.

  3. You can edit the Name, Description, or Alias prefix for the KPS collection as required.

  4. To change the Default data source, click the browse button to display a tree of data sources, and select a new default data source from the tree.

  5. You can also specify a cache for storage and retrieval of selector results. This improves selector read performance for storage backends such as databases. In the Cache field, click the browse button to display a tree of caches, and select a cache. Only local caches are supported.

  6. You can add, edit, or delete KPS collection data sources on the Data Sources tab. For more information, see the following sections.

  7. Click the Save button at the top right corner to save your changes.

Add a file data store

To add a file-based data store to a selected KPS collection, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Data Sources tab, select Add > Add File at the bottom right.

  2. Complete the following fields in the Add File Data Source dialog:

    • Name:

      Enter the KPS name (for example, Customer File Data Source).

    • Description:

      Enter a text description of your file data source.

    • Directory Path:

      Enter the full directory path (for example, c:\kpsdata). Each table in the collection has its own JSON file in this directory.

  3. Click OK.

Add a database data store

To add an SQL database data store to a selected KPS collection, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Data Sources tab, select Add > Add Database at the bottom right.

  2. Complete the following fields in the Add File Data Source dialog:

    • Name:

      Enter the KPS name (for example, Customer DB Data Source).

    • Description:

      Enter a text description of your SQL database data source.

    • Database Connection:

      Click the button on the right, select a database connection in the dialog (for example, Default Database Connection), and click OK. You can add more database connections to the list by right-clicking External Connections > Database Connections in the Policy Studio tree, and selecting Add a Database Connection.

  3. Click OK.

Add a KPS table

To add a KPS table to a KPS collection, perform the following steps:

  1. In the main Policy Studio tree, right-click a KPS collection (for example CustomerCollection), and select Add Table.

  2. Complete the following fields in the Add KPS Table dialog:

    • Name:

      Enter the KPS name (for example, Customers).

    • Description:

      Enter a text description of your KPS.

    • Aliases:

      Click Add, and enter an alias used to identify your KPS (for example, customers). Click OK. Every KPS must have at least one alias.

  3. Click OK.

The newly created KPS table is displayed on the window on the right.

Define the KPS table structure

To define the KPS table structure, perform the following steps:

  1. In the main Policy Studio tree, select a KPS table (for example Customers), and click the Structure tab.

  2. Click Add, and complete the following fields in the Add Property dialog:

    • Name:

      Enter the name of the table column (for example, email).

    • Type:

      Select the data type from the list (for example, java.lang.String).

    • Key:

      For java.util.Map types, select the key type from the list (for example, java.lang.Integer).

    • Value:

      For java.util.Map and java.util.List types, select the value type from the list (for example, java.lang.Boolean).

  3. Click OK. The newly created KPS table column is added to the Structure tab.

  4. Select Primary Key to make a field the primary key for the table.

  5. Select Autogenerated to autogenerate a field in the KPS data source.

  6. Select Encrypted to encrypt a field in the KPS data source.

  7. Select Indexed to index a field in the KPS data source.

  8. Repeat the preceding steps to add more table columns.

  9. At the bottom, enter names of one or more properties used to look up this table from a selector (for example, firstName,surname). If none are specified, selectors can access the table using the primary key.

  10. Click Save at the top right to save your changes.

Define the KPS table structure

For more detailed information on Key Property Stores and on Apache Cassandra configuration, see the Key Property Store User Guide available from Oracle Support.

For more detailed information on using a KPS, contact Oracle Support with your queries.