JMS Web Services generated by the wizard are similar to Web Services that call Nucleus methods. JMS services expose a Nucleus method, but it is always the receiveObjectMessage method of the component /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessageImporter. This method receives the message object and forwards it into Patch Bay.

The receiveObjectMessage method takes three parameters:

The Web Service call itself takes only a single argument, the message object. The JMSType and port name are hard-coded when you generate the Web Service, and the service implementation class passes them (along with the message object supplied by the client) to the receiveObjectMessage method. This simplifies the client’s task, because it does not need to be aware of either the JMSType or the port name.

For example, a Web Service that sends a JMS message when a user views a page would be called like this:

public void sendPageVisit(atg.userprofiling.dms.PageVisitMessage a);

The service implementation class then calls the receiveObjectMessage method like this:

messageImporter.receiveObjectMessage(a, "atg.dps.PageVisit",

For information about calling Web Services that send JMS messages from Java clients, see the Accessing Web Services from Java Clients section. (Note that you cannot use the dynamic process described in that section for calling these Web Services.) For information about calling Web Services that send JMS messages from .NET clients, see the Accessing Web Services from .NET Clients section.

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