The following steps show how you might create an endpoint.

  1. Create a package called

  2. In this new package, create a current order resource class, such as CurrentOrderRestResource.

  3. Define the annotations for the root resource level:

    public class CurrentOrderRestResource extends GenericService {

  4. Add an endpoint that retrieves a representation of the current order by adding the following:

    @Endpoint(id="/cart#GET" filterId="cart-Default")
    @ApiOperation(value="Gets the current order.")
    public Object getOrder(JSONObject pJson) throws RestException, CommerceException {

  5. Register the current user resource in the file.


  6. Build a CurrentOrderRestResource using a separate class loader.

    <target name="make-jerseyclassloader-jar">
      <!-- Make a jar file with misc override classes. -->
        <mkdir dir="${atg.dynamo.dynamoroot}/DCS/lib"/>

  7. If you are adding the resource to a location different than the default, update the /Dynamo/foo/config/atg/dynamo/service/jaxrs/
    file to include:


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