The skuPrices actor-chain returns the list and sale prices for a specific product using its SKU ID:




Identifies the product ID to use. The input is used only for price list pricing. This parameter is optional.


The SKU ID to use.

Get Prices by SKU ID Example
curl -v -b customer_cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{
\"skuId\" : \"xsku2085\"}" "http://localhost:8280/rest/model/atg/commerce/

The server response may be similar to the following:

{"listPrice": 19, "salePrice": 19,}

If you are not using price list pricing you can pass additional input parameters. This is because SKU-based pricing uses a nested actor chain that calls into getSku in productCatalogActor.xml, which accepts the following input parameters:

<input name="repositoryKey"     value="${nucleus['/atg/dynamo/servlet/RequestLocale'].locale}"/>
<input name="id" value="${(skuId != null) ? skuId : param.skuId}"/>
<input name="filterBySite" value="${(filterBySite != null) ? filterBySite :     param.filterBySite}" />

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