The moveItemsFromCart actor-chain takes an item from a shopping cart and moves it into the specified gift or wish list. You can specify a default quantity for an item, or specify the quantity for a specific item.




The ID of the gift or wish list to which the items will be moved.


The IDs of the items to move to the list.


The quantity of the items to move to the list.

Move Item to Gift or Wish List from Cart Example

The following example shows how you would specify the default quantity for the items within the cart:

curl -L -v -b customer_cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{
\"giftlistId\": \"gl20002\", \"itemIds\": \"ci10000003\", \"quantity\": 1}"

The following example shows how you would specify the quantity for a particular item within the cart:

curl -L -v -b customer_cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{
\"giftlistId\": \"gl20002\", \"itemIds\": \"ci10000003\"}" "http://localhost:8280/

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