You may want to use a schema or bean-property tag to expose the simple properties of a sub-property as its own. For example, you might want the schema for OrderImpl to expose simple properties from its repositoryItem sub-property.

Use the include-simple-properties-from tag to generate property tags with their internal-property-name attribute set. In the following example, the property elements are generated for the simple properties of OrderImpl, following property elements for the simple properties of the order repository item:

<schema id="order">
  <bean class="atg.commerce.order.OrderImpl" include-all-simple="true"/>
  <include-simple-properties-from property="repositoryItem">
    <item-descriptor repository="atg/commerce/order/OrderRepository"
How to Validate Dynamic Bean Sub-Properties

The ValidatorManager class validates a dynamic bean’s sub-properties. Note that you do not have to extend the ValidationManager class to implement inter-property validation. The parent source and target beans are available on the ValidatorContext, so a validator can find its parent and check for a given property.

You may also want to update the SwitchingUpdatingValidator to handle creation of per-value target beans or repository items.

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