Most collection resources support pagination. The client can specify the start index, the start page size, and sorting query parameters. The framework uses the endpoint defaults if the client does not specify these parameters. The response also includes the standard prev, next , first and last relation links to retrieve the page before or after the requested page.

A client may also request a collection and pass in the getForUpdate=true query parameter. The response then includes the full collection of items that belong to the request page as well as all of the other items, which are represented by their IDs. Subsequent PATCH calls for the collection can then pass in those IDs for the elements that should not be updated.

Working with Pagination Framework Support

Collection resource endpoint pagination uses the following classes:

Collection endpoints typically:

Use the listingResponse representation model building method to provide the listing response to the RepresentationModel. By doing this, the framework message body writer automatically generates the expected pagination links and properties for the response.

The collection resource representation for the response can include additional paging links. The response may include the following paging properties:

The LinkUtils class provides the utility methods to generate the links based upon the listing response, and is invoked automatically by the message body writers. In addition to links, the following query parameters may be specified:

Note that with the exception of the totalResults and the hasMore properties, these properties can be filtered out of the response.

For example:

links: [
  {"rel": "next",
  {"rel": "prev", "href":
  {"rel": "first","href":
  {"rel": "last", "href":
Configuring Query-Based Pagination

A resource can support the client retrieving collection items one page at a time. The number of items to return in the response determines the size limit of the page. Client requests can use a q query parameter, the value of which is an RQL query string that is applicable to a collection resource. The ListingRequestUtils contains the executeItemQuery utility method used by a collection resource endpoint to generate a listing response based on a query.

If a collection endpoint uses the executeItemQuery method, the endpoint does not need to create its own listing request or response. However, the listing response generated by the executeItemQuery must still be added to the RepresentationModel.

For example:

// Execute an rql query based on the 'q' query parameter value to return
// skus
ListingResponse<RepositoryItem> response;
try {
  response = ListingRequestUtils.executeItemQuery(

} catch (Exception e) {
  throw RestUtils.createException("Failed to query for skus", e);

A client can provide offset and limit query parameters that specifies the offset and size limit of the page. In addition, if the client wants the total number of items in the collection to be included in the response, the client can specify totalResults=true as a query parameter.

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