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Netra SPARC S7-2 Server Installation Guide

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Updated: January 2017

Available Connections

Before applying power to the server, provide connectivity to the SP and server.

Use the information in this topic to plan for these connections. Then gather the required network addresses and cables.


Caution  -  To comply with NEBS lightning requirements, all I/O connections (except the Ethernet and power connections) must be made using shielded cables, and both ends of the shield must be grounded.


Caution  -  All data cable connections are restricted to intra-building interfaces and must be isolated from the exposed outside plant cabling. Using primary protectors does not eliminate this restriction. Ensure that these connections do not connect metallically to interfaces that connect to the outside plant or its wiring.

This figure and table describe available ports and lists what you need to use them.

image:Figure showing available rear port connections.
Provides USB connection to the host. Additionally, two USB ports are available on the front of the server.
  • USB keyboard

  • USB mouse

For pinout information, see USB Ports.
NET (0 - 3)
Four 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports enable you to connect the server to your network.
  • An Ethernet cable to connect to the NET 0 port to your network.

  • Network parameters such as an IP address (can be provided by DHCP services or assigned a static address in the OS).

  • Additional cables and Ethernet addresses as needed for additional connections to NET 1 - 3.

For pinout information, see 10 Gigabit Ethernet Ports.
A 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet connection through an RJ-45 connector. This port supports remote connections to the SP using the Oracle ILOM CLI and web interface.
By default, this port is configured to use DHCP or an IPv6 router to automatically obtain an IP address. Alternatively, you can assign a static IP address to this port.
To use this port, it must have its network settings configured. Once configured, you use the NET MGT port IP address to login to the SP using a browser or secure shell.
  • An Ethernet cable to connect to the NET MGT port to your network.

  • An IP address for this port (required from DHCP or a static address)

For pinout information, see NET MGT Port.

Note -  If your environment does not provide DHCP services, first use the SER MGT port to configure the NET MGT port parameters.

A serial connection through an RJ-45 connector. This port supports local connections to the SP and is limited to CLI interaction with Oracle ILOM.
These are the default settings:
  • 8N1— eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit

  • 9600 baud

  • Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)

  • Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)

  • A terminal device – can be a terminal, a connection to a terminal server, or computer such as a laptop running terminal emulation software.

  • A cable to connect the terminal device to the SER MGT port.

For pinout information, see SER MGT Port

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