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Netra SPARC S7-2 Server Installation Guide

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Updated: January 2017

Power on the Server for the First Time

  1. Connect a terminal device to the server's SER MGT port.

    See Connect a Terminal or Emulator to the SER MGT Port.

  2. At the terminal device, log in to the SP.
    login: root
    Password: changeme
    . . .

    After a brief delay, the Oracle ILOM prompt is displayed (->).

    Note - The server is provided with a default Administrator account (root) and a default password (changeme) to enable first-time login and access to Oracle ILOM. To build a secure environment, you must change the default password of the default Administrator account as soon as possible after your initial login to Oracle ILOM. If you find this default Administrator account has already been changed, contact your system administrator to obtain an Oracle ILOM user account with Administrator privileges.

    For more information about the administration tasks such as changing passwords, adding accounts, and setting account privileges, refer to the Oracle ILOM documentation.

    Note - By default, the SP is configured to use DHCP to obtain an IP address. If you plan to assign a static IP address to the SP, see Assign a Static IP Address to the NET MGT Port for more instructions.
  3. Power on the server using one of the following methods.
    • Press the System Power button.
    • At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type:
      -> start /System
      Are you sure you want to start /System (y/n)? y

    The server initialization might take several minutes to complete.

    To cancel the initialization, press the #. (Hash+Dot) keys to return to the Oracle ILOM prompt. Then type: stop /System

  4. (Optional) Redirect the host output to display on the serial terminal device.
    -> start /HOST/console
    Are you sure you want to start /SP/console (y/n)? y
    Serial console started. 
    . . .
  5. (Optional) Execute other Oracle ILOM commands while the server initializes.
    1. To display the Oracle ILOM prompt, press the #. (Hash+Dot) keys.
    2. To see information about available Oracle ILOM commands, type: help

      To see information about a specific command, type help command-name

    3. To return to displaying host output from the server initialization, type:
      -> start /HOST/console
  6. (Optional) If you do not need NEBS mode and want to improve performance, disable NEBS mode.

    See Disable NEBS Mode.

  7. Continue with the installation by installing the OS.

    See Installing the OS.

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