uumrc - Wnn8LE Initialization File
uumrc is used to set the environment for using the standard interface to Kana-Kanji conversion. It can be set separately for each user. Duplicate entries are overwritten. Lines starting with semicolons (;) are comments.
The following items can be set in this file:
Reads another uumrc file, and can be included to add individual user settings to the default uumrc file. If @DEFAULT_RC_NAME is specified, the default uumrc file will be searched for in the following order and settings will be added.
Specify the environment setting.
Specify the environment setting file for Kana-Kanji conversion. If the specification is omitted, the default wnnenvrc file will be searched for in the following order.
If the server_host_name is specified, the server will be connected. If sticky is specified, the current environment will be recorded when Wnn8LE is ended, eliminating the need to initialize the environment the next time Wnn8LE is started. This will increase startup speed.
Specify the environment setting file for Kanji-Kana conversion. If the specification is omitted, Kanji-Kana conversion will not be possible. Kanji-Kana conversion will also not be possible using the Wnn8 system dictionary. If the server_host_name is specified, the server will be connected. If sticky is specified, the current environment will be recorded when Wnn8LE is ended, eliminating the need to initialize the environment the next time Wnn8LE is started. This will increase startup speed.
Specifies the key binding definition file. If the specification is omitted, /usr/lib/wnn/ja_JP/uumkey will be used.
Specifies the roman character-Kana conversion file. The following mode file is valid for directory names. If the specification is omitted, /usr/lib/wnn/ja_JP/rk/mode will be used.
Places ASCII characters in the Kana-Kanji conversion buffer (conversion line) when the buffer is empty (default).
Does not place ASCII characters in the Kana-Kanji conversion buffer (conversion line) when the buffer is empty.
Boots with the conversion mode turned ON (default).
Boots with the conversion mode turned OFF.
Specifies the initial value of the dictionary name input buffer when adding dictionaries. The default is "".
Specifies the initial value of the path name of the frequency file input buffer when adding dictionaries. The default is "".
Specifies the initial value of the directory path name for the auxiliary word file when adding dictionaries. The default is "".
Specifies the maximum number of convertable characters. The default value will be used if 0 or a number below 0 is specified. The default is 100.
Specifies the maximum number of convertable phrases. The maximum upper limit is 400. The default value will be used if 0 or a number below 0 is specified. The default is 80.
Specifies the maximum number of candidates that can be displayed on the next candidate list. If the specification is omitted, the displayed numbers will be adjusted according to the width of the display. The default value will be used if 0 or a number below 0 is specified. The default is 36.
Specifies the maximum number of entries to be saved in the history. The default value will be used if 0 or a number below 0 is specified. The default is 11.
Deletes the individual English alphabetic characters that were input when deleting confirmed characters for the Automaton (roman character-Kana conversion) (default).
Deletes individual Japanese language characters when deleting confirmed characters for the Automaton (roman character-Kana conversion).
Turns ON tty flow control (default).
Turns OFF tty flow control.
Prevents key code conversion when conversion is turned OFF (default).
Performs key code conversion when conversion is turned OFF.
Deletes cs from /etc/termcap.
Does not delete cs from /etc/termcap.
Accepts comment inputs for word registration.
Does not accept comment inputs for word registration.
Does not convert periods (.) (default).
Converts periods (.).
Does not autotune parameters (default).
Autotunes parameters.
~, ~username, @HOME, @LIBDIR, and @LANG can be used at the beginning of arguments for include, setuumkey, setrkfile, setconvkey, setconvenv, setjishopath, sethindopath, setfuzokugopath, setkankanaenv, and setkanaromenv.
Value of the HOME environmental variable.
Home directory name of login name username listed in /etc/passwd.
Value of the HOME environmental variable .
Directory path name (/usr/lib/wnn) or standard Wnn8LE environment file.
The first five characters in the value of the LANG environmental variable.
The first @USR in the arguments for setdic, setjishopath, or sethindopath is expanded into the startup user name.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
jserver(1M), uumkey (4) , wnn_cvt_xim_tbl (4) , wnn_automaton (4)