wnnenvrc - Kana–kanji conversion environment configuration file
wnnenvrc is a file that sets the environment for Kana–Kanji conversion. If entries are duplicated, the last setting is used except for setdic, the dictionary file specification. Up to 128 files can be specified using setdic . Lines starting with semicolons (;) are comments.
The following can be set in the wnnevnrc file:
setdic <dictionary_file_name> <frequency_file_name> <dictionary_priority> <dictionary_read–only_setting> <frequency_read–only_setting> <dictionary_file_password_file_name> <frequency_file_password_file_name> <Kana–Kanji_conversion/Kanji–Kana_conversion>
Specifies the name of the frequency file of the specified dictionary for the frequency file name. The frequency in the dictionary file will be used if "–" is specified. The following specification can be used at the beginning of file names.
Uses a client file.
Uses a jserver file.
Uses a jserver file.
Specifies the dictionary priority as a decimal value.
Specifies the dictionary read–only setting as follows:
Temporary learning
Group dictionary
Merge dictionary
The dictionary file will not be updated if read–only is specified.
If temporary learning is specified, data will not be written to the disk when the file is saved.
Specifies a group or merge dictionary if a single dictionary is to be used by multiple users.
Specifies the frequency read–only setting as follows:
Temporary learning
The frequency file will not be updated if read–only is specified.
If temporary learning is specified, data will not be written to the disk when the file is saved.
Specifies the name of the file containing the passwords of the dictionary file.
Specifies the name of the file containing passwords of the frequency file.
Specifies 0 for Kana–Kanji conversion and 1 for Kanji–Kana conversion.
In not all the arguments are provided, the default values will be used from the second argument . The default values are:
– 5 0 0 – – 0
set_fi_system_dic <FI–related_system_dictionary_file_name> <FI–related_frequency_file_name> <FI–related_frequency_read–only_setting> <FI–related_frequency file_password_file_name>
Specifies the name of the FI–related frequency file of the specified FI–related system dictionary for the frequency file name. The frequency in the FI–related system dictionary file will not be updated if "–" is specified. The following specification can be used at the beginning of file names.
Uses a client file.
Uses a jserver file.
Uses a jserver file.
Specifies the FI–related frequency read–only setting as follows:
Temporary learning
Group dictionary
The FI–related frequency will not be updated if read–only is specified.
If temporary learning is specified, data will not be written to the disk when the file is saved.
Specifies a group dictionary if a single dictionary/frequency is to be used by multiple users.
Specifies the name of the file containing the FI–related frequency file password.
set_fi_user_dic <FI–related_user_dictionary_file_name> <FI–related_user_dictionary_read–only_setting> <FI–related_user_dictionary_file_password_file_name>
The following can be used at the beginning of FI–related user dictionary file names:
Uses a client file.
Uses a jserver file.
Uses a jserver file.
Specifies the FI–related user dictionary read–only setting as follows:
Temporary learning
Group dictionary
The FI–related user dictionary file will not be updated if read–only is specified.
If temporary learning is specified, data will not be written to the disk when the file is saved.
Specifies a group dictionary if a single dictionary is to be used by multiple users.
Specifies the name of the file containing the FI–related user dictionary file password.
muhenkan_gakusyuu <no–conversion_learning_dictionary_file_name> <no–conversion_learning_dictionary_read–only_setting> <no–conversion_learning_dictionary_priority> <no–conversion_learning_dictionary_file_password_file_name> <Kana–Kanji_conversion/Kanji–Kana_conversion>
No–conversion learning is used to automatically record candidates in the no–conversion learning dictionary when candidates are confirmed in Hiragana, Katakana, or roman characters.
The following can be used at the beginning of no–conversion learning dictionary file names.
Uses a client file.
Uses a jserver file.
Uses a jserver file.
Specifies the no–conversion learning dictionary read–only setting as follows:
Temporary learning
Group dictionary
The no–conversion learning dictionary file will not be updated if read–only is specified.
If temporary learning is specified, data will not be written to the disk when the file is saved.
Specifies a group dictionary if a single dictionary is to be used by multiple users.
Specifies the no–conversion learning dictionary priority as a decimal value.
Specifies the name of the file containing the no–conversion learning dictionary file password.
Specifies 0 for Kana–Kanji conversion and 1 for Kanji–Kana conversion.
bunsetsugiri_gakusyuu <rephrasing_learning_dictionary_file_name> <rephrasing_learning_dictionary_read–only_setting> <rephrasing_learning_dictionary_priority> <rephrasing_learning_dictionary_file_password_file_name> <Kana–Kanji_conversion/Kanji–Kana_conversion>
Rephrasing learning is to recode the phrases [before and after a rephrasing point made during confirming phrases] into the rephrasing learning dictionary as one candidate.
The following can be used at the beginning of rephrasing learning dictionary file names.
Uses a client file.
Uses a jserver file.
Uses a jserver file.
Specifies the rephrasing learning dictionary read–only setting as follows:
Temporary learning
Group dictionary
The rephrasing learning dictionary file will not be updated if read–only is specified.
If temporary learning is specified, data will not be written to the disk when the file is saved.
Specifies a group dictionary if a single dictionary is to be used by multiple users.
Specifies the rephrasing learning dictionary priority as a decimal number.
Specifies the name of the file containing the rephrasing learning dictionary file password.
Specifies 0 for Kana–Kanji conversion and 1 for Kanji–Kana conversion.
setfuzokugo auxiliary_word_file_name
setgrammar auxiliary_word_file_name
Specifies the auxiliary word file name.
setparam number 0. . .number 16
Specifies the ten conversion parameters and pseudo–part of speech frequencies as integers. Defaults are given in parentheses.
N for N (long) phrase analysis (5)
Maximum number of short phrases in a long phrase (10)
Main word frequency parameter (2)
Short phrase length parameter (45)
Main word length parameter (0)
Bit parameter to indicate immediate previous usage (80)
Dictionary parameter (5)
Short phrase evaluation parameter (1)
Long phrase length parameter (20)
Number of short phrases parameter (0)
Pseudo–part of speech "number" frequency (400)
Pseudo–part of speech "Kana" frequency (–100)
Pseudo–part of speech "English number" frequency (400)
Pseudo–part of speech "symbol" frequency (80)
Pseudo–part of speech "closing parentheses" frequency (200)
Pseudo–part of speech "auxiliary word" frequency (2)
Pseudo–part of speech "opening parentheses" frequency (200)
Asks the user to confirm whether or not to create a dictionary or frequency file if a dictionary or frequency file after this entry does not exist.
Asks the user once to confirm whether or not to create a dictionary or frequency file if a dictionary or frequency file after this entry does not exist and then continues using the confirmation thereafter.
Creates dictionary or frequency file unconditionally if a dictionary or frequency file after this entry does not exist.
Does not create dictionary or frequency file if a dictionary or frequency file after this entry does not exist.
saisyu_siyou last–useage_top–priority_processing_specification
last–usage top–priority processing provides the last–used homophone as the first candidate and then lists the remaining candidates in order of previous confirmation (up to six candidates). Specify TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
fukugou_yuusen composite–word_priority_conversion_specification
Composite-word priority conversion gives priority to candidates that do not contain auxiliary words. Specify TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
okuri_kijun Okurigana_processing_rule
Okurigana processing is used to provide the first candidate according to the specified rules (rules, maximum, minimum) when converting words that can have different Okurigana. Specifies REGULATION to provide candidates according to the basic rule, specifies YES to provide the maximum Okurigana, and specifies NO to provide the minimum Okurigana.
settou_kouho initial_prefix_candidate
Specifies HIRAGANA to provide Hiragana candidates first for prefixes and Specifies KANJI to provide Kanji candidates first.
rendaku euphonic_change_processing_specification
Euphonic change processing does not provide candidates with euphonic changes to voiced sounds first. Specifies TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
yuragi long_vowel/ alternate_spelling_processing_specification
Long vowel/alternate spelling processing enables the conversion of long vowels and alternate spellings. Specifies TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
okuri_gakusyu Okurigana_process_learning
Okurigana processing learning enables learning the previously confirmed Okurigana processing rule and using it for the next conversion. Specifies TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
settou_gakusyu prefix_learning_specification
Prefix learning enables learning the previously confirmed prefix information (Hiragana or Kanji) and using it for the next conversion. Specifies TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
setubi_gakusyu suffix_learning_specification
Suffix learning enables learning the previously confirmed suffix information (provide or do not provide) and using it for the next conversion. Specifies TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
hanyou_gakusyu general_learning_specification
General learning enables learning of the previously confirmed general word candidate information (Hiragana, Katakana, or Kanji)and using it for the next conversion. Specifies TRUE to enable this processing and FALSE to disable it.
hindo_kakuritu Wnn8_frequency_increase_coefficient
Specifies the Wnn8 frequency learning method. Specifies HIGH to learn quickly, Specifies LOW to learn slowly, Specifies ALWAYS to always learn, and Specifies NOT to never learn.
fi_hindo_kakuritu FI–related frequency_increase_coefficient
Specifies the FI–related frequency learning method. Specifies HIGH to learn quickly, Specifies LOW to learn slowly, Specifies ALWAYS to always learn, and Specifies NOT to never learn.
use_hinsi part_of_speech_for_conversion_1 part_of_speech_for_conversion_2. . .
Specifies the list of part of speech names to be used in conversion, separating names with spaces or tabs.
unuse_hinsi part_of_speech_not_used_1 part_of_speech_not_used_2. . .
Specifies the list of part of speech names not to be used in conversion, separating names with spaces or tabs.
giji_number pseudo–number_initial_conversion_candidate
Specifies the first candidate to be given for converting pseudo–numbers.
Kanji numbers with unit
Old Kanji numbers with unit
Half-width numbers with commas
Full-width number with commas
Half-width numbers without commas
Full-width number without commas
Kanji without unit
giji_eisuu pseudo_alphabet_initial_converson_candidate
Specifies HAN to provide half-width conversion candidates first for pseudo–alphabet characters and Specifies ZEN to provide full-width candidates first.
giji_kigou pseudo_symbol_initial_converson_candidate
Specifies HAN to provide half-width conversion candidates first for pseudo–symbols, Specifies ZEN to provide full-width candidates first, and Specifies ASC to provide ASCII candidates first.
kutouten period_input_mode
Specifies TRUE to input periods as full-width period and specifies FALSE to input periods as ".".
kakko parenthesis_input_mode
Specify TRUE to input full-width parentheses and FALSE to input bracket parentheses.
kigou symbol_input_mode
Specifies TRUE to set the symbol input mode to "full-width bullet" and specifies FALSE to set it to "full-width slash".
yosoku_use easy_input_mode_setting
Specifies TRUE to use the easy input mode and specifies FALSE to unuse it.
yosoku_max_disp number_of_easy_input_candidate_lists
Specifies from 1 to 10 for the display number of easy input candidate lists.
yosoku_realtime easy_input_candidate_auto
Specifies TRUE to auto-display the easy input candidate and specifies FALSE to not auto-display it.
boin_kabusoku when_vowel_excess_and_deficiency_input_correct_setting
Specifies TRUE to do input correction when vowel excess and deficiency, and specifies FALSE to no do.
shiin_choka when_consonant_exceed_input_correct_setting
Specifies TRUE to do input correction when consonant is exceeded, and specifies FALSE to no do.
n_choka when_N_exceed_input_correct_setting
Specifies TRUE to do input correction when [N] is exceeded, and specifies FALSE to no do.
nihongo_kousei Japanese_proofread_setting
Specifies TRUE to do Japanese proofreading and specifies FALSE to no do.
The first @USR used in arguments in setdic , setjishopath, or sethindopath will be expanded into the startup user_name.
setdic usr/@USR/ud - 15 0 0 - - 0 setdic system/kihon.dic usr/@USR/kihon.h 6 1 0 - - 0 set_fi_user_dic usr/@USR/fiud 0 -
Specifies dictionary and frequency file names on the machine that started the jserver connected to Wnn8LE. If the specified user dictionary and frequency files do not exist, they will be created on the machine that started jserver.
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: