
class oci.opsi.models.HostGpuUsage(**kwargs)

Bases: oci.opsi.models.host_performance_metric_group.HostPerformanceMetricGroup

GPU performance metrics


METRIC_NAME_HOST_CPU_USAGE str(object=’’) -> str
METRIC_NAME_HOST_GPU_PROCESSES str(object=’’) -> str
METRIC_NAME_HOST_GPU_USAGE str(object=’’) -> str
METRIC_NAME_HOST_MEMORY_USAGE str(object=’’) -> str
METRIC_NAME_HOST_TOP_PROCESSES str(object=’’) -> str
clock_event_app_clock_setting Gets the clock_event_app_clock_setting of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_event_hw_power_break Gets the clock_event_hw_power_break of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_event_hw_thermal_slow_down Gets the clock_event_hw_thermal_slow_down of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_event_idle Gets the clock_event_idle of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_event_sw_power_cap Gets the clock_event_sw_power_cap of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_event_sw_thermal_slowdown Gets the clock_event_sw_thermal_slowdown of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_event_sync_boost Gets the clock_event_sync_boost of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_speed_graphics Gets the clock_speed_graphics of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_speed_memory Gets the clock_speed_memory of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_speed_sm Gets the clock_speed_sm of this HostGpuUsage.
clock_speed_video Gets the clock_speed_video of this HostGpuUsage.
ecc_double_bit_errors Gets the ecc_double_bit_errors of this HostGpuUsage.
ecc_single_bit_errors Gets the ecc_single_bit_errors of this HostGpuUsage.
fan_utilization Gets the fan_utilization of this HostGpuUsage.
gpu_id Gets the gpu_id of this HostGpuUsage.
memory_utilization Gets the memory_utilization of this HostGpuUsage.
metric_name [Required] Gets the metric_name of this HostPerformanceMetricGroup.
performance_state Gets the performance_state of this HostGpuUsage.
power_draw Gets the power_draw of this HostGpuUsage.
temperature Gets the temperature of this HostGpuUsage.
time_collected [Required] Gets the time_collected of this HostPerformanceMetricGroup.
utilization Gets the utilization of this HostGpuUsage.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new HostGpuUsage object with values from keyword arguments.
get_subtype(object_dictionary) Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.

Initializes a new HostGpuUsage object with values from keyword arguments. The default value of the metric_name attribute of this class is HOST_GPU_USAGE and it should not be changed. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • metric_name (str) – The value to assign to the metric_name property of this HostGpuUsage. Allowed values for this property are: “HOST_CPU_USAGE”, “HOST_MEMORY_USAGE”, “HOST_NETWORK_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY”, “HOST_TOP_PROCESSES”, “HOST_FILESYSTEM_USAGE”, “HOST_GPU_USAGE”, “HOST_GPU_PROCESSES”
  • time_collected (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_collected property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • gpu_id (int) – The value to assign to the gpu_id property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • utilization (float) – The value to assign to the utilization property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • memory_utilization (float) – The value to assign to the memory_utilization property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • power_draw (float) – The value to assign to the power_draw property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • temperature (float) – The value to assign to the temperature property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • fan_utilization (float) – The value to assign to the fan_utilization property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_speed_graphics (float) – The value to assign to the clock_speed_graphics property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_speed_sm (float) – The value to assign to the clock_speed_sm property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_speed_video (float) – The value to assign to the clock_speed_video property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_speed_memory (float) – The value to assign to the clock_speed_memory property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • performance_state (float) – The value to assign to the performance_state property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • ecc_single_bit_errors (int) – The value to assign to the ecc_single_bit_errors property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • ecc_double_bit_errors (int) – The value to assign to the ecc_double_bit_errors property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_event_idle (int) – The value to assign to the clock_event_idle property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_event_hw_thermal_slow_down (int) – The value to assign to the clock_event_hw_thermal_slow_down property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_event_sw_power_cap (int) – The value to assign to the clock_event_sw_power_cap property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_event_app_clock_setting (int) – The value to assign to the clock_event_app_clock_setting property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_event_hw_power_break (int) – The value to assign to the clock_event_hw_power_break property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_event_sw_thermal_slowdown (int) – The value to assign to the clock_event_sw_thermal_slowdown property of this HostGpuUsage.
  • clock_event_sync_boost (int) – The value to assign to the clock_event_sync_boost property of this HostGpuUsage.

Gets the clock_event_app_clock_setting of this HostGpuUsage. GPU clocks are limited by applications clocks setting

Returns:The clock_event_app_clock_setting of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the clock_event_hw_power_break of this HostGpuUsage. HW Power Brake Slowdown (reducing the core clocks by a factor of 2 or more) is engaged

Returns:The clock_event_hw_power_break of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the clock_event_hw_thermal_slow_down of this HostGpuUsage. HW Thermal Slowdown (reducing the core clocks by a factor of 2 or more) is engaged. Temp too high

Returns:The clock_event_hw_thermal_slow_down of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the clock_event_idle of this HostGpuUsage. Nothing running on CPU, clocks are idle

Returns:The clock_event_idle of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the clock_event_sw_power_cap of this HostGpuUsage. SW Power Scaling algorithm is reducing the clocks below requested clocks because the GPU is consuming too much power

Returns:The clock_event_sw_power_cap of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the clock_event_sw_thermal_slowdown of this HostGpuUsage. SW Thermal capping algorithm is reducing clocks below requested clocks because GPU temperature is higher than Max Operating Temp

Returns:The clock_event_sw_thermal_slowdown of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the clock_event_sync_boost of this HostGpuUsage. HW Power Brake Slowdown (reducing the core clocks by a factor of 2 or more) is engaged

Returns:The clock_event_sync_boost of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the clock_speed_graphics of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Graphics (Shader) Clock Speed

Returns:The clock_speed_graphics of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

Gets the clock_speed_memory of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Memory Clock Speed

Returns:The clock_speed_memory of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

Gets the clock_speed_sm of this HostGpuUsage. GPU SM (Streaming Multiprocessor) Clock Speed

Returns:The clock_speed_sm of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

Gets the clock_speed_video of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Video Clock Speed

Returns:The clock_speed_video of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

Gets the ecc_double_bit_errors of this HostGpuUsage. GPU ECC Double Bit Errors

Returns:The ecc_double_bit_errors of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the ecc_single_bit_errors of this HostGpuUsage. GPU ECC Single Bit Errors

Returns:The ecc_single_bit_errors of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the fan_utilization of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Fan Utilization

Returns:The fan_utilization of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float
static get_subtype(object_dictionary)

Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.


Gets the gpu_id of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Identifier

Returns:The gpu_id of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:int

Gets the memory_utilization of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Memory Utilization Percent

Returns:The memory_utilization of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

[Required] Gets the metric_name of this HostPerformanceMetricGroup. Name of the metric group


Returns:The metric_name of this HostPerformanceMetricGroup.
Return type:str

Gets the performance_state of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Performance State

Returns:The performance_state of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

Gets the power_draw of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Power Draw in Watts

Returns:The power_draw of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

Gets the temperature of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Temperature in Celsius

Returns:The temperature of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float

[Required] Gets the time_collected of this HostPerformanceMetricGroup. Collection timestamp Example: “2020-05-06T00:00:00.000Z”

Returns:The time_collected of this HostPerformanceMetricGroup.
Return type:datetime

Gets the utilization of this HostGpuUsage. GPU Utilization Percent

Returns:The utilization of this HostGpuUsage.
Return type:float