CX Apps Changelog

View changes for CX Apps including:

  • New features
  • Significant recent changes
  • Workarounds
  • Platform notices

Included in these changelogs are CX Apps, AMS Application API, and the CX App Manager.

July 2022

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps July 2022 Release.

  • There are no significant updates for July 2022.

June 2022

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps June 2022 Release.

New features

App Management

  • When an app is installed on one or more tenants, and if it changes the set of REST APIs it uses, the updated API permissions grant notification would be sent by AMS to the product or tenants.

May 2022

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps May 2022 Release.

New features

App Management

  • Announcement pop-ups with the relevant information will be displayed when the AMS user log in.
  • At the app level, even in the case of non-zero installs, the provider can now change the status of the publication from GA to CA.
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April 2022

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps April 2022 Release.

New features

App Management

  • As a provider, while registering services under an app, the provider will only see the applicable services for the product they are developing.

March 2022

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps March 2022 Release.

  • There are no significant updates for March 2022.

February 2022

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps February 2022 Release.

New features

App Management

  • In the App Logs page, a Now button has been added below the date range to set the To field to the current date and time. By default, the From field will show 1 hour before the current time.

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  • The length of the log messages has been increased.

  • In case the app is already installed on the tenant with which the test is being performed through the Testing tab in AMS, the install step would be skipped. The clean-up step that performs the uninstall operation will also be skipped.
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January 2022

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps January 2022 Release.

New features

App Management

  • We have added a new endpoint - App Notification URL at the app level. In the case of certain events, such as an update to the tenantRestUrl by the product, this is the URL to which AMS will send the notification to the app. Apps will now need to implement this new endpoint at their end.

December 2021

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps December 2021 Release.

New features

App Management

  • A Notification icon is now available on the App Catalog screen.

  • In the notification section, a notification appears in the app catalog of any modifications in APIs of the app. The rows where the provider has made updates to the APIs at the app level are also highlighted. The marketer can mark a particular notification as Read by clicking on it or Mark all as read. Marketers can also clear the individual notifications or Clear All the notifications. The cleared notifications will move to the Archived tray.

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November 2021

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps November 2021 Release.

New features

App Installation

  • App providers can now update or add new APIs to their apps even after installation. These APIs are present to the users at the time of the app installation, so app providers should choose the APIs at the app level only if they intend to use them.

App Management

  • In the App Catalog, the error messages are now displayed as a banner at the top.

  • When a user clicks on an app from the Recommended Apps section, a drawer opens and shows the app details in the tabs - About, Services and APIs.

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October 2021

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps October 2021 Release.

New features

App Installation

  • During app installation for Responsys Express accounts, users are now prompted to enter their account login URL when selecting the "Generic IDM" pod to install apps.

  • The Requires Configuration option in the App creation and management page was renamed to Prompt for configuration during installation. This option now controls whether the app displays the app's configuration user interface during app installation.

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September 2021

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps September 2021 Release.

New features

App Installation

  • We've redesigned the App Installation flow. Users installing apps will now experience this new work flow when installing apps:

  1. App Install URLs direct marketers to choose the install location of the app.

  2. Users review and accept app's Terms and Conditions, if applicable.

  3. Apps display to the user the product's APIs the app uses.

  4. A success page is displayed.

  5. Users are redirected back to the product to manage their newly installed app.

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August 2021

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps August 2021 Release.

New features

Responsys Apps

  • We've improved the look and feel for the Responsys app management page (Account > App management). You can view all of your installed apps at a glance and quickly Configure or Uninstall apps.

    Selecting an app opens a new menu where you can view the app's information, services, dependencies, and APIs used.

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July 2021

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps July 2021 Release.

New features

CX App Manager

  • We've added the ability to define Terms and Conditions. Terms and Conditions are the legal agreements between App Providers and app users. Users will see your app's Terms and Conditions when installing your apps. You can define Terms and Conditions for your entire App Provider, and for specific apps. You can edit your existing App Provider or Apps to define Terms and Conditions, otherwise see Creating an App Provider or Creating Apps for more information.

June 2021

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps June 2021 Release.

  • CX Apps will now start releasing updates monthly. There are no significant updates for June 2021.

Release 21B

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 21B.

App Development

  • We've added a new request body parameter to the Importing data into a product endpoint (release). Setting this parameter during the Importing data into a product request alleviates the need to send an onCompletion callback request, thereby making the invocation process faster. Learn more

Release 21A

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 21A.

  • No significant updates for the 21A release.

Release 20D

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 20D.

New features

CX App Manager

  • When creating an App Provider you will now be prompted to specify a tenant. Responsys app developers can retrieve their tenant ID by logging into Responsys and navigating to Account > Account Summary. Find your Account Id, which is also your tenant ID.

Sales Tools Apps

  • For customers who embed Eloqua Sales Tools into an iframe in your apps or CRM, changes are coming to how you embed. Customers must make these changes ahead of the Eloqua 21A Release (Feb 2021). For more information, see the product notice.

Release 20C

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 20C.

New features

CX App Manager

  • We've added the ability to test an app's endpoints to ensure the app has been developed to successfully communicate with the app framework in all app scenarios. This enhancement was made to ensure app developers can test their app's endpoints were developed correctly. For example, the test will ensure the app can be installed, configured, and so on. For more information, see Testing Your App's Endpoints.
  • We've added a new Logs area for apps. This new Logs interface provides app developers to see their app's logging information to provide insight and assist with debugging. For more information, see Viewing App Logs.
  • We've updated the login page. Any references to the "Oracle Marketing Cloud App Manager" have been updated to the "Oracle Customer Experience App Manager". This change was made to reflect the Oracle CX wide capabilities of the App Framework.
  • The invocation trend graph now displays a different line for each service, if your app has multiple services. This change enables developers to see the invocation trend for multiple different services.
  • The home page now displays search and filtering options to help you find your apps and providers more easily.

Recent Changes

CX App Manager

  • An app's publication status can no longer move backwards (ie. from Generally Available to Controlled Availability or Development).
  • The Oracle OMC App Manager has been renamed to the Oracle CX App Manager in the top left logo banner of the user interface.
  • We've removed the Oracle CX App Manager version number from the profile menu.

Release 20B

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for CX Apps Release 20B.

  • No significant updates for the 20B release.

Release 20A

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for CX Apps Release 20A.

New features

OMC App Manager

  • Welcome emails are now sent to new users to the App Framework in the following scenarios:
    • Brand new users who have requested access to the App Framework to develop apps.
    • Existing App Provider team members who invite new users to join their App Provider.

Release 19D

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 19D.

New features

OMC App Manager

  • The App Metrics page now includes various Trend charts so you can view app data over a given period. For example, the Install Trend chart displays app installations over a given period so you can view how often your app is being installed. New trend charts are available for other app metrics such as app invocations, app service instance creations, record processing time, and batch processing time.

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Release 19C

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 19C.

New features

OMC App Manager

  • We've made changes to app publishing. App Publication Status is now defined separately for each OMC product. Thus, an app can be in GA for one product and CA for another different product.

    When developing apps, the publication process will remain the same. An app's publication status will start in the Development status, before transitioning to Controlled Availability, and then Generally Available. For each of these transitions, an approval request will be generated for action (accepted/rejected) by OMC product owner.

    This change was made to enable products to have more granular control over the availability of an app. Apps may be developed to be used in multiple OMC products. This change enables apps to be functional for one OMC product, while the app is simultaneously being developed to work for a different OMC product.

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Release 19B

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 19B.

New features

OMC App Manager

  • App Providers can now receive push notifications from AMS when an app's status changes. App Providers can specify a Notification URL in the App Provider Dashboard to receive these notifications. Learn more
  • The edit page for apps, services, and providers has changed. These edit pages now display all information in one page instead of the previous wizard page flow, making it faster to edit information.
  • Apps can now specify which product APIs the app requires. After you have selected which OMC product your app is intended to be used for, a list of APIs for that product is displayed. Learn more

Release 19A

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 19A.

New features

App Framework

  • Added new API endpoint that returns a public URL to view the configuration window for an application installation in REST 2.0.

    POST /rest/2.0/installed/apps/configuration/ui/url

    This endpoint was already available in REST 1.0, and is now available in REST 2.0.

  • A new endpoint URL has been added for services: the Copy URL. The Copy URL enables app developers to design a unique flow for when app users copy a service instance. If a Copy URL is not provided and an app user copies a service, the Create URL is called. Learn more
  • App developers can now indicate whether or not an app requires configuration. There are two new related updates:

    • A new field has been added to the application object and data transfer object. The field requireConfiguration indicates whether or not an app requires configuration.
    • A new Require Configuration checkbox has been added to the App Details page. You can edit any existing apps to select this option, and also enable this option when creating new apps.
  • There is a new notifyProduct postMessage that enables apps to notify OMC products to save or close iframes. This change applies to the application configuration and service configuration iframes. This enables apps to propagate a 'save' or 'close' message to the product. OMC products can then listen for postMessages and determine appropriate action. Learn more

OMC App Manager

  • You can now perform a test call to your app's API endpoint URLs to ensure all URLs can be reached successfully. Learn more
  • You can now create whitelists for app providers, apps, and services. Creating a whitelist enables app developers to whitelist specific tenants, to selectively deploy app and services to clients. Each whitelist type has its own purpose based on the app's publication status. Learn more
  • A warning message will now appear when installing apps that are in Development.

Recent changes

App Framework

  • Sending postMessages where amsAction is set to save and saveappconfig will now respect the requestId passed in by apps. Prior to this change, AMS would overwrite the requestId.
  • When sending requests to the /rest/2.0/applicationServiceInstances API endpoints, tenantId has been moved from the JWT claims and into the request body. Requests made without the tenantId in the request body will return the error TenantId is required in request body.

Release 18D

A list of developer-facing new features, significant recent changes, workarounds, and platform notices for the CX Apps Release 18D.

New features

OMC App Manager

  • App Provider owners can now change the role of team members within their provider. The two roles available are Owner and Member. For more information, see Roles.

Recent changes

App Framework

  • Upon installing an app, the call made to the application now contains the tenant information.

OMC App Manager

  • App Provider members can no longer delete app providers. You must be the owner of the app provider to delete the provider.
  • App Provider members can no longer manage other members. You must be the owner of an app provider to manage team members. For more information, see Roles.

Documentation Enhancements of Note

  • We've added code samples to assist developers in their own development. This is useful for developers who are already familiar with the framework and are looking for examples.

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Onboarding and the App Development Process

Developing Apps for CX Apps