1 About This Guide
2 Create Procurement Contracts
- How You Author a Procurement Contract
- Contract Actions and Status Changes
- Base Contracts
- How Authoring Contracts Works with Contract Wizard
- Best Practices for Creating a Contract
- Contract Validation
- Purge Contracts
- Contracts FAQs
- Should I set up a ledger before I create a contract?
- How can I set up autonumbering in contracts?
- Why do I not see the conversion rate on my supplier contract?
- How can I specify contract risk?
- How can I set up contract risk?
- What type of documents can I attach to a contract?
- When can I create a new contract version?
- What happens to document attachments when I create a new contract version?
- How can I delete draft or canceled contracts?
- How can I set up a contract renewal notification?
- Share Contracts
- How You Search Contracts
- Search FAQ
- Contract Amendment
- Amendment FAQs
- How can I revert a contract to a previous active version?
- Can I modify a contract without amending the contract?
- How can I change a contract that is pending signature?
- How can I view amendments made to contract terms before I print them?
- How can I track updates to the variables when a contract is amended?
- Contract Templates
- Contract Template FAQs
3 Author Contract Terms
- How Authoring Contract Terms Works
- Edit Contract Terms in the Clauses Tab
- Contract Authoring with Contract Terms Templates
- Contract Terms Authoring Actions
- Considerations for Creating Nonstandard Clauses During Authoring
- How Contract Expert Works During Authoring
- Contract Terms in Microsoft Word
- How Editing Contract Terms in Microsoft Word Works
- Overview of Oracle Contracts Add-in for Microsoft Word to Edit Contract Terms
- How You Install the Oracle Contracts Add-in for Microsoft Word
- How the Oracle Contracts Add-in for Microsoft Word Works
- Actions Supported with Individual Contract Source
- What versions of Microsoft Word can I use with Oracle Contracts?
- Contract Terms and Clause Approval
- Contract Deliverables
- Contract Deliverables
- How Managing Contract Deliverables Works for Suppliers
- Contract Terms FAQs
- How can I configure contract terms before I print them?
- How can I withdraw a clause or a terms template from approval?
- How can I make a clause mandatory in a contract?
- What's the clause default section?
- How can I predefine locations of Contract Expert clauses in the contract?
- Terms Template FAQs
- How can I add a clause to a contract terms template?
- What's the difference between document types and contract types?
- When do I make a contract terms template as the default for a document type?
- Why am I reviewing draft clauses when submitting a contract terms template for approval?
- Why are some clauses missing from a contract terms template I copied over for use in a local business unit?
- Why can't I edit the contract terms template?
- Why can't I add clauses to the contract terms template?
- Why do I want to enable Contract Expert in a contract terms template?
- Contract Deliverables FAQs
4 Approve and Accept Procurement Contracts
- How Contract Approval Works
- How Reviewing Contract Deviations Works
- How Accepting a Contract Works
- How Capturing Contract Acceptance with Electronic Signatures Works
- Approval FAQs
5 Maintain Contracts and the Terms Library
- Overview of Terms Library
- Maintain Contracts
- Contract Owner Assignment
- Assign Contract Owners FAQ
- Resource Workload Management
- Workload Management FAQ
- Preview and Print Contracts
- Layout Templates FAQs
6 Set up Contract Terms and Clause Library Configurations
- Overview of Contract Terms Library Setup
- Set up Business Units for Contract Terms Library
- Manage Clauses in Contract Terms Library
- Contract Terms Library Clauses
- How Alternate and Incompatible Clause Relationships Work
- Examples of Setting up Alternate Clauses
- Clause Versioning
- Example of Changing the Title of an Approved Clause
- Considerations for Removing a Clause from Use
- How You Set Up Numbering for Clauses
- Example of Including a Clause by Reference
- Considerations for Importing Clause Text from Microsoft Word
- Set up Cross-References in Terms and Conditions
- How You Import Clauses into the Contract Terms Library
- Examples of Using the Oracle Contracts Terms Library
- Managing Clauses FAQ
- What are the clause statuses and what do they mean?
- How can I find clauses that I drafted or that require my action?
- How do I use the Clause Title and Display Title fields?
- How can I create clauses with the same title?
- How can I view the HTML source of a clause text?
- How can I search for a clause in the library by its text?
- How can I set up the clause title to include the clause number?
- How does Contract Expert identify where to insert clauses into contracts?
- How does creating a new version of a Contract Expert rule affect contracts?
- What can I use clause analysis for?
- What do I enter as the clause text if I plan to include the clause reference instead?
- How can I embed a question response in a clause?
- What information is copied over when I duplicate a clause?
- Why can't I find a clause when I search by clause text?
- How can I find clauses that are adopted by other business units?
- What's the difference between the clause Instructions and the clause Description fields?
- What's a clause intent?
- What's the difference between saving a clause and submitting a clause?
- What's the difference between setting up multiple alternate clauses and one with a variable?
- Who can edit protected and mandatory clauses?
- Why can't I edit the clause information?
- Why can't I edit the clause text?
- Why can't I edit the clause title?
- Manage Contract Terms Templates
- How Contract Terms Templates Work
- How You Activate and Revise Contract Terms Templates
- Contract Terms Templates FAQs
- How can I add a clause to a contract terms template?
- What's a default contract terms template?
- What's the difference between document types and contract types?
- What validation checks are performed for contract terms templates?
- What's a global contract terms template?
- What's a layout template?
- When do I create a clause as part of a contract terms template?
- When do I make a contract terms template as the default for a document type?
- Why am I reviewing draft clauses when submitting a contract terms template for approval?
- Why can't I edit the contract terms template?
- Why can't I add clauses to the contract terms template?
- Why do I want to enable Contract Expert in a contract terms template?
- Set up Contract Expert
- How Contract Expert Works
- How Contract Expert Rules Work
- Contract Expert Rule Statuses and Available Actions
- About Contract Expert Question Setup
- How Additional Clauses are Inserted Based on Follow-up Questions
- Examples of Contract Expert Constants
- Examples of Contract Expert Clause Selection Rules and Follow-up Questions
- Contract Expert Setup FAQ
- What are Contract Expert questions?
- What does it mean to make clauses suggested by Contract Expert mandatory in a contract terms template?
- What happens if the clause to be inserted by the Contract Expert rule is versioned or removed from use?
- What happens to existing contracts if I disable a Contract Expert rule?
- What validations are performed when I activate a Contract Expert rule?
- What's a system variable?
- When does a Contract Expert rule become effective?
- Why are some conditions unavailable for creating my Contract Expert rule?
- Why can't I assign a Contract Expert rule to a contract terms template?
- Why doesn't a Contract Expert question display during authoring?
- Are Contract Expert rules affected by the relationships between clauses?
- How are Contract Expert questions presented during contract authoring?
- How can I find all the Contract Expert rules that use a question?
- How can I find out which questions contract authors see when they run Contract Expert?
- Set up Variables
- Set up Adoption of Content Between Libraries
- Create Folders to Organize Clauses
- Set up Contract Preview and Printing
- Set up Contract Terms Deliverables
- Index Clauses for Keyword Searches
- Manage Clause and Section Numbering Schemes
7 Manage Contract Fulfillment
- How Contract Fulfillment Works
- Types of Contract Fulfillment
- Contract Fulfillment Statuses
- Create and Monitor Agreements in Oracle Fusion Purchasing
- Example of Initiating a Single PO from a Contract Line to Ship Items to Different Destinations
- Considerations for Autocreating Fulfillment Lines for the Contract or Contract Lines
- Contract Fulfillment Notifications
- Monitor Purchasing Activity for Contract Fulfillment
- What Actions You Can Use on Contract Fulfillment Lines and When
- Contract Fulfillment FAQs