Split LPN into Active Locations

You can split LPNs into different active locations using Directed Putaway. To do this the Parameter "multi-sku-lpn-mode" must be set to "Split LPN Into Active Locations".

Multi Sku LPN Mode Parameter

Once you scan the LPN, the system will validate the item’s unit weight (sum of items unit weight present in the container) with the maximum weight for the location determined through putaway method priority.

If the location’s max weight has the capacity to accommodate all of the items (sum of all items unit weight for the scanned LPN), then putaway will happen for that respective location.

For example,

Let’s say you perform partial putaway of units from an LPN based on Max quantity from the active locations.
  1. Your IBLPN consist the item ACT with current qty =13.
    Note: You need to set the item’s putaway type to Active 1, so that the same SKU will appear in the IBLPN.

    Split LPN IBLPN

  2. Go to Putaway Type UI and define 2 putaway type ACTIVE1 and ACTIVE2.

    Putaway Type

  3. Now, configure the Putaway priority for the 2 putaway type ACTIVE1 and ACTIVE 2.
  4. Configure the directed putaway parameter:
    1. Go to Direct Putaway UI and choose "multi-sku-lpn-mode" parameter and set to "Split LPN Into Active Locations".
    2. Set the recalculate-putaway-type to Yes.

    Putaway Type Screen Parameter

    Make sure you define your item and active locations before running the transaction because the system looks for max units from the locations.

    Putaway Example

    Putaway Example
  5. Check if the item ACT is available in the 2 location in the active inventory UI:

    Putaway Type Example

  6. Invoke the Direct Putaway transaction, the system allocates maximum units for each location.

    Putaway Transaction

    Note: On receiving the IBLPN, the putaway type Active 1 appears automatically.
  7. You can choose to putaway the remaining units from the IBLPN into the location you choose.

    Reserve Location

  8. To verify, go to Active and Reserve Inventory UI to view the allocation and current qty.

    Active Inventory