Applying Advance Deposit Payments

You can apply the advance deposit payment on the advance deposit account of the parent customer from the user interface or through an inbound web service. Note that the system distinguishes an account as the advance deposit account when the parent customer is associated with the account using the account relationship type which is specified in the Advance Deposit Account Relationship Type attribute of the delinquency process preference. While applying the advance deposit payment against the advance deposit account, you must specify a match type where an algorithm created using the C1-MATSATYP algorithm type is attached to the Payment Distribution Override algorithm spot.

In the C1-MATSATYP algorithm, you must specify a contract type that is specified in the Advance Deposit Contract Type attribute of the delinquency process preference. The system then applies the advance deposit payment against an active advance deposit contract of the specified contract type on the advance deposit account. If an active contract of the specified contract type does not exist on the advance deposit account, the system creates an advance deposit contract using the specified contract type and then applies the advance deposit payment against the advance deposit contract.

Note: The system considers the delinquency process preference which is specified in the Delinquency Process Field Mapping option type of the DELINPROC feature configuration. For more information about the feature configuration, see Setting the DELINPROC Feature Configuration