Maintaining Advance Deposit Details

The system enables you to provide the advance deposit details for a parent customer through a health care inbound message or through a membership repricing request. Similarly, the system enables you to provide the advance deposit details for a policy from the Policy screen or through a health care inbound message. You need to provide the following advance deposit details at the parent customer level:

  • Advance Deposit Level - Used to indicate whether you want to park the advance deposit received from the group customer at the parent customer or policy level. The valid values are:

    • PG - Used when you want to park the advance deposit at the parent customer level.

    • POLI - Used when you want to park the advance deposit at the policy level.

    The advance deposit level is only applicable for the person whose person type is set to Parent Customer. If you do not specify the advance deposit level, then the parent customer is not eligible for the advance deposit either at the parent customer or policy level.

    • Advance Deposit Amount - Used to specify the advance deposit amount. It is required when the advance deposit level is set to PG.

    • Advance Deposit Grace Days - Used to specify the grace days. The system then uses the grace days to derive the grace period within which the advance deposit should be received from the group customer. While calculating the grace period, the system derives the earliest start date among all the polices where the parent customer is the policy holder and considers it as the grace start date. Once the grace start date is derived, the system calculates the grace end date (i.e. grace start date + grace days). For example, if a parent customer is the policy holder of two policies - P1 (01-Jan-2022 to 31-Dec-2022) and P2 (01-Jun-2022 to 31-Dec-2022) and advance deposit grace days is set to 6 days, then the system considers 01-Jan-2022 as the grace start date (as it is the earliest start date) and sets the grace end date to 07-Jan-2022. The advance deposit grace days is required when the advance deposit level is set to PG.

    • Advance Deposit Account Details - Used to specify the account details for the parent customer when the advance deposit is parked at the parent customer level.

      • Account Identifier Type - Used to specify the account identifier type.

      • Account Identifier - Used to specify the account identifier.

      • Account Relationship Type - Used to specify the account relationship type using which you want to associate the parent customer with the account. Here, you must specify an account relationship type which is specified in the Advance Deposit Account Relationship Type attribute of the delinquency process preference.

    Note: The system considers the delinquency process preference which is specified in the Delinquency Process Field Mapping option type of the DELINPROC feature configuration. For more information about the feature configuration, see Setting the DELINPROC Feature Configuration

The respective tags are added to provide the above advance deposit details at the parent customer level in the C1-HCInboundMessage business object schema and in the C1-MembershipRepricing business service schema. For more information, see Inbound Message and C1-MembershipRepricing Business Service

If the advance deposit level of a policy holder (i.e. parent customer) is set to POLI, you need to specify the following advance deposit details at the policy level:

  • Advance Deposit Applicability - Used to indicate whether the advance deposit is applicable for the policy. The valid values are Y and N. If you do not specify the value, the system, by default, sets it to N.

  • Advance Deposit Amount - Used to specify the advance deposit amount. It is required when the advance deposit applicability is set to Y.

  • Advance Deposit Grace Days - Used to specify the grace days. The system then uses the grace days to derive the grace period within which the advance deposit should be received from the group customer for the policy. While calculating the grace period, the system considers the policy start date as the grace start date. Once the grace start date is derived, the system calculates the grace end date (i.e. grace start date + grace days). For example, if a parent customer is the policy holder of the P1 policy (01-Jan-2022 to 31-Dec-2022) and advance deposit grace days is set to 6 days, then the system considers 01-Jan-2022 as the grace start date and sets the grace end date to 07-Jan-2022. The advance deposit grace days is required when the advance deposit applicability is set to Y.

  • Advance Deposit Account Identifier Type - Used to specify the account identifier type. It is required when the advance deposit applicability is set to Y.

  • Advance Deposit Account Identifier - Used to specify the account identifier. Here, you must specify an account of the policy holder where the account relationship type is set to the value that is specified in the Advance Deposit Account Relationship Type attribute of the delinquency process preference. It is required when the advance deposit applicability is set to Y.

Note: The system considers the delinquency process preference which is specified in the Delinquency Process Field Mapping option type of the DELINPROC feature configuration. For more information about the feature configuration, see Setting the DELINPROC Feature Configuration.

The respective tags are added to provide the above advance deposit details at the policy level in the C1-HCInboundMessage business object schema. For more information, see Inbound Message.