Maintaining Declarations

The declaration page allows you to define a declaration percentage for a combination of account, service type, declaration type and date range. The declaration may be used by algorithms to adjust certain calculations in the system. For example you may give certain customers a reduced VAT rate. The declaration is used to indicate the reduced rate for the qualifying customer.

Open Customer Management, Declaration to add or update a declaration.

Note: Applicable for UK market. This page is intended for the United Kingdom market. Other markets may disregard this transaction.

Description of Page

The Declaration Info is a concatenation of important information about the declaration record. The Declaration ID is a system-assigned random number that uniquely identifies this record.

Use Account ID to indicate the account for this declaration.

Use Location ID to indicate the location for this declaration.

The Service Type controls the contracts covered by this declaration. All contracts for this account for this service type are covered.

Use the Declaration Type to indicate the type of declaration. The system includes the declaration types CCL Relief and Reduced Rate VAT.

Note: The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is DCL_​TYPE_​FLG.

Enter the Start Date and End Date to indicate the effective period of this declaration. The start date defaults to the current date.

Enter the Declaration Percentage.

If this declaration is related to an external document, indicate the Document Reference.

This bottom of this page contains a tree that shows information about all the declarations linked to this account. You can use this tree to both view high-level information about these objects and to transfer to the respective page in which an object is maintained.