Maintaining Adjustment Upload Staging

Use this page to add, view or modify an adjustment upload staging record. Open this page using Billing Management, Adjustment Upload Staging.

Description of Page

Adjustment Upload ID is the unique identifier of the adjustment upload staging record.

Adjustment Staging Control ID is the identifier of the adjustment staging control to which the adjustment upload staging is linked.

Indicate the Adjustment Type. This field is very important as it controls numerous aspects of the adjustment's impact on the customer's balance and your general ledger.

Note: You can only choose certain adjustment types. The contract's contract type has a collection of valid adjustment profiles. You may only reference adjustment types that are listed in one of the adjustment type profiles linked to the contract type.

Enter an Adjustment Amount.

Creation Date is the date when the adjustment occurred. This will be the creation date on the uploaded adjustment. This field is protected after the record is saved.

Contract indicates the contract to which the adjustment was posted. If the adjustment is in suspense, the label shows Suspense Contract instead.

Adjustment is a reference to the adjustment that got created from the upload.

Status shows the state of the adjustment upload staging. Possible values are: Pending, Complete, and Error.

If Status is Error, a Pend button appears adjacent to the status description. In addition, an error message box displays below the status description.

If the adjustment is in suspense, a message appears to indicate the condition and the Suspense Adjustment is shown. A different message appears when the suspense is resolved.

Use the Characteristics collection to keep miscellaneous information about an adjustment upload staging.

  • Characteristic Type The type of characteristic.
  • Characteristics Value The value of the characteristic.
Note: An adjustment upload staging's characteristics default from the adjustment type.