Account Bill/Payment History

This page shows an account's bills and payments. Use Report and Inquiry, Account Bill/Payment History to open this page.

CAUTION: For balance-forward accounts, bill rows contain the balance presented on the respective bill, and payment rows contain the amount of the respective payment. However, for open-item accounts, this query behaves differently - see the description of page below for the details.

Description of Page

This page is dedicated to a grid that shows the account's bills, credit notes, correction notes, payments and payment cancellations. You can use this grid to both view high-level information about these objects and to transfer to the respective page on which an object is maintained.

The area beneath Account ID provides you with options that control which transactions appear in the grid. The following points describe the various options:

  • Use Transaction Type Filter to restrict the type of transactions that appear in the grid. The following options are available:
    • All. This option shows all transactions.
    • Bill. This option shows all bills.
    • Not Billed Yet. This option shows a single line with a summary of frozen financial transactions that have not appeared on a bill yet.
    • Payment. This option shows all payments.
    • Payment Cancellation. This option shows all payment cancellations.
  • Use Match Event Status Filter to restrict the transactions based on the status of their match event. This filter only appears if the bill's account is an open-item customer. The following options are available:
    • All. This option shows all transactions regardless of the status of their match events.
    • Balanced. This option shows all transactions with at least one balanced match event.
    • Disputed. This option shows all transactions with at least one disputed match event.
    • Unbalanced. This option shows all transactions with at least one unbalanced match event.
    • Unmatched. This option shows all transactions with at least one financial transaction that is not linked to a match event.
  • Use Date Range From and To to restrict the transactions based on arrears date.
CAUTION: Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters or after selecting a new Account ID.

For balance-forward accounts, bill rows contain bill information including the balance presented on the respective bill, and payment rows contain the amount of the respective payment.

For open-item accounts, the grid behaves differently:

  • The amount on bill rows is equal to the sum of the current charges, adjustments and corrections on the bill. Payment rows contain the amount of the respective payment.
  • It indicates the bill or payment for which the financial transaction is created.
  • Each row contains an indication if all of its financial transactions are fully matched.
  • A summary of the match status of its financial transactions is shown in the adjacent columns:
    • Balanced contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this activity that are linked to balanced match events.
    • Unbalanced contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this activity that are linked to unbalanced match events.
    • Disputed contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this activity that are linked to disputed match events.
    • Unmatched contains the count and total amount of financial transactions linked to this activity that are not linked to any match event.
  • You can use the hyperlinks to view the detailed financial transactions that are summarized in each cell.