Contract Cash Accounting Balance

Note: Only relevant if you practice cash accounting. This transaction is only relevant if you practice cash accounting (e.g., you only pay the taxing authorities when the customer pays you). Refer to Payables Cash Accounting for more information about cash accounting.

This page displays a grid that shows a contract's cash accounting balance for each cash holding distribution code that's been booked to. Use Accounting and Receivables, Contract Cash Accounting Balance to open this page.

Description of Page

The following columns are displayed in the grid:

Cash Accounting Distrib Code This is a general ledger distribution code used as the holding account for cash accounting. Each holding account that's been used by this contract will appear here.

Payable Distribution Code This is the general ledger distribution code to which the payable is (or will be) transferred when the cash event occurs.

Fastpath: For more information on how the distribution codes are set up, refer to Setting Up Distribution Codes.

Payoff Balance This column shows the contract's balance for each cash holding account. If this amount is non-zero, it indicates that for this contract we are still holding some payables back until payment is received by the customer, at which time some or all of this amount will be transferred to the payable distribution code.

Fastpath: For information about cash accounting, refer to Payables Cash Accounting.