Deposit Review

The Deposit Review page shows all accounts for which an additional deposit is recommended.

Note: The Review Deposits background process inserts rows on this query.
Note: Multiple deposits could be recommended for an account. Because an account can have contracts that belong to multiple deposit classes, it is possible for a multiple recommendations to be generated for an account.

Open this page using Financial Query, Deposit Review.

Description of Page

Use Account ID and / or Deposit Class to filter the rows. Each row displays and account / deposit class that holds an inadequate deposit.

Note: Rows are also displayed for errors. Please be aware that if the Recommend Additional Deposit background process encounters an error when it attempts to calculate an account's recommended deposit, these errors also appear as rows in this query.

Press the The Pending Start Icon button to add a new deposit contract for the customer. Pressing this button causes Start/Stop Service to open. When this page opens, you should create a new deposit contract for the customer (by referencing the appropriate division / contract Type).

If the customer has one or more deposit contracts, the drill button will be enabled. Pressing it will cause the Contract - Main Information page to open. When this page opens, you can change Total Amount To Bill to reflect the total amount of deposit you want to hold. When billing next runs, it will bill the customer for the marginal difference between the current deposit held and the deposit amount to bill.