Start/Stop - Main

Fastpath: The Description of Page section that appears below simply describes the fields on this page. Refer to How To for a description of how to perform common start/stop functions.

Use Person Information, Start/Stop to open this page.

Description of Page

The Account ID and the primary name of the Account's main customer are displayed at the top of the page.

If the total number of pending start / stops for the account does not exceed the start stop details threshold defined in Installation Options, the grid contains an entry for every Pending Start and Pending Stop contract linked to the Account ID.

The following columns appear in the grid:

Drill Down (button) Click this button to drill down into details of the pending start / stop contract. This button transfers you to the Pending Contract tab.

Task An icon will be displayed to highlight if the associated contract is a pending start or a pending stop. The The Pending Start Icon icon appears if the contract is a pending start. The The Pending Stop Icon icon appears if the contract is a pending stop.

Date This is the start date for pending start contracts and the stop date for pending stop contracts.

Cancel Turn on this switch if you wish to cancel the pending start / stop.

Location Information If a characteristic location is linked to the contract, summary information about the pending start / stop contract's characteristic location is displayed.

Contract Information Summary information about the pending start / stop contract is displayed.

If the total number of pending start / stops for the account exceeds the start stop details threshold defined in Installation Options, the Total number of Pending Starts and Total number of Pending Stops is displayed together with a grid containing a summary of the pending start and pending stops.

The grid contains an entry for every group of Pending Start/ Pending Stop contract linked to the Account ID with the same pending start / pending stop date, action, location, and division/contract type.

The following columns appear in the grid:

Date This is the start date for pending start contracts and the stop date for pending stop contracts.

Task An icon will be displayed to highlight if the associated contract(s) are pending start or pending stop. The The Pending Start Icon icon appears if the contract(s) are a pending start. The The Pending Stop Icon icon appears if the contract(s) are a pending stop. Click on the icon to navigate to the Start Stop - Pending Contract tab where the associated pending start / pending stop contracts will be displayed.

Division / Contract Type This is the division and contract type of the pending start / pending stop contracts.

Total This is the total number of contracts with the same Date, Task, Location, and Division / Contract Type.

Following the Pending Start / Pending Stop grid are two sections; one is used to start service, the other is used to stop service.

The following points describe the fields in the start service section (refer to How To for a description of how to perform common start functions).

  • Use Start Date to define the date on which you want service to commence.
  • Use Start Method to define what you want to start. Valid values are:
    • Start a Contract. Use this method if you want to start deposit or one time charge service.
  • If you have selected the Start a Contract option, use Division and Contract Type to define the type of contract you wish to start.
CAUTION: Take special care when adding a new contract to specify the appropriate division / contract type as it will affect how the customer is billed, what rate can be specified, how overdue debt is collected, and much more. After the contract is activated, you may not change its contract type.
  • Use Requested by to define who requested to start the service (e.g., Customer, Jane Smith).
  • Click the Start button to start service. When you click this button, the Start Confirmation page appears.

The following points describe the fields in the stop service section (refer to How To for a description of how to perform common stop functions).

  • Use Stop Date to define the date on which you want service to stop.
  • Use Stop Method to define what you want to stop. Valid values are:
    • Stop Selected Contracts. Use this method if you want to stop selected contracts linked to the account.
    • Stop a Contract. Use this method if you want to stop a specific contract.
    • Stop all Active Contracts. Use this method if you want to stop ALL contracts linked to the account.
  • If you have selected the Stop a Contract option, choose the Contract ID.
  • Use Requested by to define who requested the stop (e.g., Customer, Jane Smith).
  • Click the Stop button to stop service. When you click this button, the Stop Confirmation page appears.