Start/Stop - Address/Phone

Open Person Information, Start Stop, Address/Phone to change basic information about a customer while you are starting or stopping service.

Note: A subset of person and account information. This page features a subset of person and account fields that typically change when a customer moves. You can always use the Person or Account transactions to change this information.
Note: This information is held in limbo. The information on this page will only be updated on the respective person / account when the first contract linked to the account is activated or stopped (i.e., this information is held in limbo until the pending start / pending stop is activated / stopped).
Note: Main customer information. The information on this page is associated with the account's main customer (as defined on Account - Person Information ). If you need to change information about any other person linked to the account, you must transfer to Account - Person Information and make the changes there.

Use Bill Route Type to indicate how the bill is sent to the customer. If the Bill Route Type you select indicates that bills are routed via fax, make sure you specify a fax number in the Telephone Numbers below (note, the system knows which of a person's phone numbers is a fax number by the phone type). If the Bill Route Type you select indicates that bills are routed via Email, make sure to specify the person's Email Address below. If the Bill Route Type you selected indicates that bills are routed via the postal service, select the appropriate Address Source. This field is protected if bills are routed via email or fax. You have the following options:

  • Choose Mailing Location on Account if bills should be sent to the account's mailing location. This address is displayed below.
  • Choose Person if bills should be sent to the person's mailing address. This address is displayed below.
  • Choose Account Override if bills should be sent to the account person's override address. This address is displayed below. Typically, you would only choose this option if the person has multiple accounts and each account's bills should be sent to a different address.

If the Address Source is Person or Account Override, the respective address fields are displayed and may be changed. If the Address Source is Mailing Location on Account, the account's mailing location is displayed and cannot be modified.

Note: If you switch the Bill Route Type from a non-postal to postal routed, the Address Source defaults to the bill address source defined on the account (if one exists) or Mailing Location on Account if bill address source is not specified for the main customer.
Fastpath: Refer to Setting Up Bill Route Types for more information about bill route types.

Specify the customer's Email Address. This can be used to route bills to the customer via email (if your bill routing software supports this function).

Telephone Numbers are used to look for accounts and persons. If the person has more than 20 phone numbers, the first 20 will be shown as display only with a message indicating that more phone numbers exist until you save your start or stop. Once the start or stop has been saved, you are able to modify the phone number collection.

The following fields display:

  • Phone Type indicates the type of phone number, e.g., Home, Mobile, Business,...
  • Use Phone Number to define the telephone number. Enter the telephone number in the format described by the Phone Format.
Note: Formatting is performed by a plug-in. The format that is applied to a Phone Number is controlled by the algorithm that is plugged in on the respective Phone Type. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should configure this algorithm appropriately.
  • Enter the Extension, if any, of the telephone number.