Global Extract Information Record (0010)

The following table lists the header elements that contain information about the extract run:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
BATCH_​CD A8 Batch Control Code of the extract process.
BATCH_​NBR N10 Batch Number of the extract process
BATCH_​RERUN_​NBR N10 Batch Rerun number of the extract process.
STATEMENT_​CNT N10 Count of statements on this extract. Multiple copies of a statement are counted multiple as well.
EXTRACT_​DTTM A31 System time of extraction. Formatted according to user profile.
STMT_​ID_​START A12 This is only used when a statement is produced as a result of an online request (from Statement - Main). It contains the Statement Id to extract.
STMT_​ID_​END A12 This is only used when a statement is produced as a result of an online request (from Statement - Main). It contains the Statement Id to extract.
THREAD_​NBR N10 This field is only used if statements are extracted in batch. It contains the thread number in which the statement was extracted.
THREAD_​CNT N10 This field is only used if statements are extracted in batch. It contains the total number of threads that were extracted.
STATEMENT_​IND A1 Defaulted to "Y"