Total By Currency Record (0120)

One total record will be created for each currency code associated with the FT's associated with the contract snapshots linked to the statement.

The following table describes the fields that appear in the total by currency record:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
CURRENCY_​CD A3 This is the currency code associated with the summary information.
CUR_​BAL A30 This is the sum of CUR_​AMT snapshot on the contract snapshots (CI_​BILL_​SA) linked to the statement. Contract snapshots (CI_​BILL_​SAs) are referenced on CI_​STM_​DTL.
BILL_​AMT A30 This is the sum of CUR_​AMT from CI_​FTs classified as "corrections" and "current charges" on bill's associated with the statement. Please note, only those FT's associated with contracts linked to the statement will be amalgamated. This is formatted according to user's display profile.
CUR_​ADJ_​AMT A30 This is the sum of CUR_​AMT from CI_​FTs classified as "adjustments" on bills associated with the statement. Please note, only those FT's associated with contracts linked to the statement will be amalgamated. This is formatted according to user's display profile.
CUR_​PAY_​AMT A30 This is the sum of CUR_​AMT from CI_​FTs classified as "payments" on bills associated with the statement. Please note, only those FT's associated with contracts linked to the statement will be amalgamated. This is formatted according to user's display profile.