
The Generate button causes one or more quote details to be created for the account's Quotable proposal contracts. This button is enabled when there is at least one Quotable proposal contract linked to the selected Account ID.

When clicked, the Generate Quote window opens.

You must specify the following parameters to generate quote details:

  • Indicate if quote details should be created for All Proposal Contract's or for a Specific Proposal Contract.
  • If you indicated a quote detail should be generated for a Specific Proposal Contract, also specify the Proposal Contract ID.

After specifying the parameters, click Generate to create the quote details for quotable proposal contracts.

Fastpath: Refer to Creating Quotes And Quote Details for more information.
CAUTION: If the quote has existing quote details for the designated proposal contracts, they are deleted when you generate quote details (i.e., the system regenerates existing quote details). You can also regenerate quote details by selecting them on the Main page and clicking the Regenerate button.