Global Extract Information (0010) Record Definition

This is a "header" record that contains information about the extract run as a whole.

Note: Please be aware that if you do not sort your extract file by CIS Sort Key after it is produced, this record will physically be the last record on the extract file.
The following table lists the header elements that contain information about the extract run:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
BATCH_​CD A8 Batch Control Code of the extract process.
BATCH_​NBR N10 Batch Number of the extract process
BATCH_​RERUN_​NBR N10 Batch Rerun number of the extract process.
QTE_​CNT N10 Count of quotes on this extract.
EXTRACT_​DTTM A26 System time of extraction.
QUOTE_​ID_​START A12 This is only used when a quote is produced as a result of an online request (from Quote - Main). It contains the Quote Id to extract.
QUOTE_​ID_​END A12 This is only used when a quote is produced as a result of an online request (from Quote - Main). It contains the Quote Id to extract.
THREAD_​NBR N10 This field is only used if quotes are extracted in batch. It contains the thread number in which the quote was extracted.
THREAD_​CNT N10 This field is only used if quotes are extracted in batch. It contains the total number of threads that were extracted.