Notification Upload Staging

You must create an upload staging record for each notification being processed in the system. The name of this table is CI_​NT_​UP .

The following table describes each column in the CI_​NT_​UP table:
Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
NT_​UP_​ID 12 Y A/N

This is a sequential unique key. This key is referenced on the NUS extension record. (The NUS extension record contains almost all of the fields associated with the notification.)

This key is a sequential number so you can use a database function to assign the value when populating the table.

NT_​XID_​CD 30 Y A/N

This identifies the external system that sent the notification (e.g., a DUNS number).

This must correspond with the prime key of one of your external systems. Refer to Designing External Systems for more information.


This identifies the transaction type of the notification.

This must correspond with the prime key of one of your notification upload types. Refer to Designing Notification Upload Types for more information.

NT_​UP_​STAT_​FLG 2 Y A/N This must be set to P for Pending.
NT_​UP_​EXTSN_​FLG 4 Y A/N This identifies the type of notification upload staging extension record that contains the details of this notification upload. Valid values: NONE, SPL. Use NONE if you will use the context collection for your related data.
CRE_​DTTM 26 Y DateTime This is the date / time on which the notification upload staging record was created. This must be populated with the current date / time.