Notification Upload Staging Extension - Base Sample

A notification upload staging EXTENSION record may be used in lieu of Context to contain the core information associated with a notification upload record. This option enables you to be explicit in your definition of the fields that must be captured for each notification upload type.

The sample extension record that is supplied with the system is just that - a sample. If you use this option, you will need one such extension record for each different type of notification upload record layout you support. It's important to understand that all of your different notification upload extension record types must reference the core Notification Upload Staging record because the system uses the core record to drive the notification upload process.

The name of the sample notification upload extension record is CI_​NT_​UP_​XSPL .

The following table describes each column in the CI_​NT_​UP_​XSPL table:
Column Name Length Req'd Data Type Comments
NT_​UP_​ID 12 Y A/N This is the reference to the Notification Upload Staging record that this record is an extension of.
REC_​DTTM 26 Y Date/Time This is the date / time the record was received.

This column is used when the notification is an indication of the acceptance or a rejection of an earlier notification request.

If specified, this must be either A- accept or R- reject.

SDR_​ACCT_​ID 20 Y A/N This is the customer's account ID in the sender's system.
RCV_​ACCT_​ID 20 Y A/N This is the customer's account ID in the receiver's system.
SDR_​REC_​ID 16 Y A/N This is a transaction identifier supplied so responses to this record may be identified. The contents of this field will be returned on notification download records that respond to this notification upload record.
RCV_​REC_​ID 16 Y A/N This is the transaction identifier received in a previous request record. This field is only populated if the notification being uploaded is an acceptance / rejection of a previously sent notification download record.
BILL_​OPT_​FLG 4 Y A/N This defines the billing relationship between the service provider and your organization. This value is used in conjunction with BILL_​CALC_​OPT_​FLG to determine the service provider associated with the NT_​XID_​CD on the CI_​NT_​UP record. Valid values are: DUAL, ESP, UDC.
BILL_​CALC_​OPT_​FLG 4 Y A/N This defines the bill calculation method used when your organization provides billing services for the service provider. This value is used in conjunction with BILL_​CALC_​FLG to determine the service provider associated with the NT_​XID_​CD on the CI_​NT_​UP record. Valid values are: BILL (bill ready), RATE (rate ready).
POSTAL_​CD 12 Y A/N The service address's postal code. This is used as a crosscheck to ensure the notification is referencing the correct customer.