Single Offset

Single Offset enables you to search and add bill to an offset request from the Account Receivable Central screen. Single Offset enables single debit bill to be offset against multiple credit bills in the same currency and vice versa. The offset request is created and an offset request ID is generated for the request.

You can search and select credit/debit bills (with outstanding amount) for offsetting belonging to the same or different person. All the selected bills with their outstanding balance are displayed. The display of bills is controlled by C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration. The feature configuration identifies whether offsetting is allowed for bills across persons. To offset bills belonging to different persons, set the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type to Y. The bills are displayed having same currency with the default offset amount on the offset request after adding the bills. You can select one or multiple or all the bills displayed and add to the offset request. After you add a debit bill from Account Receivable Central, you cannot add more debit bills to the offset request.

Upon adding a bill to the offset request, the default offset amount algorithm C1-OFST-AMT configured in the offset request type is invoked. The bills in the offset request are processed based on the logic of oldest bill first. The default offset amount is populated against the selected debit and credit bills. You can also edit the offset amount from the offset request, if required. The offset adjustments for offset requests are created and distributed based on the match type set in the offset distribution algorithm.

You can configure the offset request type to be submitted for offset distribution with or without approval. Upon submitting the offset request for approval, a To Do type is created and sent to the approver for offset request approval. The status of the offset request changes from Submitted to Approval In Progress in case of offset request with approval and in case of offset request without approval it changes to Processed. The approver can either approve or reject the offset request. Once the approver approves the offset request, selected bills are offset and adjustments are created for the bills. The status of the offset request changes from Approval In Progress to Processed. You can also view the details of the adjustment(s) created. However, if the approver rejects an offset request, a rejection reason should be provided.

A log maintained for offset requests logs complete trail of actions performed on offset request except the actions performed while editing the offset request. On submitting, the offset request status changes to Processed or Approval In Progress depending on the configuration of the offset request type and the Unapply button is enabled which cancels the adjustments. Upon cancelling the adjustments, the enter status algorithm cancels the offset adjustments and the status of the request changes to Unapplied Offset.

Note: The Unapply button appears when the offset request is in the Processed status
Bill Information Original Outstanding Amount Offset Amount Remaining Bill Balance Comments
Bill 1 $1200 -$800 $400 Bill 1 amount $1200 is offset against Bill 2.
Bill 2 -$1000 $500 -$500 From Bill 2, $500 is offset against from Bill 1.
Bill 3 -$300 $300 0 From Bill 3, $300 is offset against from Bill 1.