Algorithms Used in C1-PaymentAgreementRequest

The following table lists the algorithms which are attached to the C1-PaymentAgreementRequest business object:

System Event Algorithm Algorithm Type Description
Information C1-PA-INFO C1-PA-INFO Refer to C1-PA-INFO
Pre-Processing C1-PA-PRE C1-PA-PRE Refer to C1-PA-PRE
Validation C1-PA-VAL C1-PA-VAL Refer to C1-PA-PRE

The following table lists the algorithms which are used in the lifecycle of the C1-PaymentAgreementRequest business object:

Status System Event Algorithm Algorithm Type Description
Submit Enter C1-PA-SUBMIT C1-PA-SUBMIT Refer to C1-PA-SUBMIT
Approval In Progress Enter C1-PA-APPENT C1-PA-APPENT Refer to C1-PA-APPENT
Approval In Progress Exit C1-PA-APPEXT C1-PA-APPEXT Refer to C1-PA-APPEXT
Return to Submitter Enter C1-PA-RESUB C1-PA-RESUB Refer to C1-PA-RESUB
Active Monitor C1-PA-MONTR C1-PA-MONTR Refer to C1-MONTR
Active Enter C1-PA-ACTENT C1-PA-ACTENT Refer to C1-ACTENT