Payment Agreement Request (Used for Viewing)

Once you create a payment agreement request type, the Payment Agreement Request screen allows you to:

  • Edit the details of a payment agreement request along with bill details and payment schedule

  • Delete a payment agreement request

  • View the details of a payment agreement request

  • View the bills added in a payment agreement request

  • Define a payment schedule in a payment agreement request

  • Submit a payment agreement request for approval

  • Approve or reject a payment agreement request

  • Resubmit a payment agreement request

  • Filter an overdue bills of an account

  • Add an overdue bill in a payment agreement request

  • View the log of a payment agreement request

  • Add a log entry for a payment agreement request

This screen consists of the following tabs:

  • Main - This tab contains the following three zones:

    • Payment Agreement Request - Displays the details of the payment agreement request.

    • Bill Details - Lists the bill details of the payment agreement request.

    • Payment Schedule - Lists the payment schedule details of the bills for the payment agreement request.

  • Bills - This tab lists the unpaid bill amount details for the same account.

    Note: This tab will be displayed when the payment agreement is in Draft status.
  • Log - This tab lists the complete trail of actions performed on the payment agreement request.

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How to edit a payment agreement request Editing a Payment Agreement Request
How to delete a payment agreement request Deleting a Payment Agreement Request
How to view the bills added in a payment agreement request Viewing the Bills Added in the Payment Agreement Request
How to define the payment schedule in a payment agreement request Defining Payment Schedule for a Payment Agreement Request
How to filter an overdue bills of an account Filtering Overdue Bills of an Account
How to approve a payment agreement request Approving a Payment Agreement Request
How to add an overdue bill in a payment agreement request Adding an Overdue Bill in a Payment Agreement Request
How to reject a payment agreement request Rejecting a Payment Agreement Request
How to resubmit a payment agreement request segment Resubmitting a Payment Agreement Request
How to submit a payment agreement request for approval Submitting a Payment Agreement Request

Parent topic: Payment Agreement Request