Submitting a Payment Agreement Request


To submit a payment agreement request, you should have:

  • Payment Agreement Request Types defined in the request.


To submit a payment agreement request:

  1. Search for the payment agreement request in the Payment Agreement Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Payment Agreement Request Information column corresponding to the payment agreement request that you want to submit.
    The Payment Agreement Request screen appears.
  3. Click the Submit button in the Payment Agreement Request zone.
    The system behaves in the following manner:
    If... Then
    The Approval Required check box is selected in the payment agreement request type using which the payment agreement request is created. A To Do of the To Do Type is created for the payment agreement request entity and sent to the approver. Status of the payment agreement request is changed to Approval In Progress. C1-PAREQ is the to do type for Payment Agreement Request.
    The Approval Required check box is not selected in the payment agreement request type using which the payment agreement request is created. The payment agreement request is created using the specified payment agreement request types and the status of the payment agreement request is changed to as specified in the payment agreement request type.

    The Submit button appears when the payment agreement request is in the Draft status.

    For more information about the Payment Agreement Request Periodic Monitor (C1-PAREQ) batch, refer to Oracle Revenue Management and Billing Batch Guide.

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