Payment Agreement Request

The Payment Agreement Request zone displays the details of the payment agreement request. This zone contains the following sections:

  • Main - This section provides basic information about the payment agreement request. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Payment Agreement Request Information Displays information about the payment agreement request.
    Payment Agreement Request Type Indicates the payment agreement request type using which the payment agreement request is created.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Payment Agreement Request Type screen appears where you can view the details of the payment agreement request type.
    Account Information Displays information about the account for which the payment agreement request is created. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears where you can view the details of the respective account.
    Status Indicates the status of the payment agreement request. The valid values are:
    • Active

    • Draft

    • Approval In Progress

    • Broken Promise

    • Kept Promise

    • Rejected

    Payor Account ID Displays the payment agreement requests which are created for a particular payor account. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears where you can view the details of the respective account.
    Pay Method Displays the method of payment of amount.
    Total Unpaid Amount Displays the unpaid amount for selected bills.
    Total Future Schedule Amount Displays the total schedule amount.
  • Characteristics - This section lists the characteristics of the payment of selected bills. It contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Effective Date Displays the date from when the characteristic is effective for the payment agreement request.
    Characteristic Type Indicates the characteristic type.
    Characteristic Value Displays the value of the characteristic type.
  • Record Actions - This section contains the following buttons:

    Column Name Column Description
    Edit Used to edit the details of the payment agreement request.
    Note: The Edit button appears when the payment agreement request is in the Active orDraft status.
    Delete Used to delete the payment agreement request.
    Note: The Delete button appears when the payment agreement request is in the Draft status.
    Submit Used to submit the payment agreement request for approval.
    Note: The Submit button appears when the payment agreement request is in the Draft status.
    Approve Used to approve the payment agreement request.
    Note: The Approve button appears when:
    • The payment agreement request is in the Approval In Progress status.

    • A user with the approval To Do role is reviewing the payment agreement request.

    Reject Used to reject the payment agreement request.
    Note: The Reject button appears when:
    • The payment agreement request is in the Approval In Progress status.

    • A user with the approval To Do role is reviewing the payment agreement request.

    Resubmit Used to change the status of the payment agreement request to Draft.
    Note: The Resubmit button appears when:
    • The payment agreement request is in the Approval In Progress status.

    • A user with the approval To Do role is reviewing the payment agreement request.

  • Record Information - This section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description
    Business Object Indicates the business object using which the payment agreement request is created. In addition, a context menu appears corresponding to this field which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Business Object screen appears where you can view the details of the respective business object.
    Status Date/Time Displays the date and time when the payment agreement request status is updated.
    Create Date/Time Displays the date and time when the payment agreement request is created.