Hold Refund

Until now, you were able to hold the bill generation, auto pay, funding, and overdue process for an account through a hold request. Now, in addition, the system enables you to hold the refund process for an account through a hold request. If the refund process is kept on hold for an account, the system does not process the refund requests (if any) created for the account. However, the system does not stop you from creating A/P adjustments for an account from the Adjustment screen when the refund process is kept on hold for the account.

While adding the refund process in a hold request, you need to specify the date range for which you want to hold the refund process for the accounts. The system enables you to add the refund process in a hold request from the user interface or through the upload request feature. If you want to create a hold request for an account through the upload request feature, you need to specify the following details in the CSV file:

  • Whether you want to hold the refund process for the accounts (the valid values are Y or N)

  • Hold refund start date (required if the hold refund is set to Y)

  • Hold refund end date

On activating a hold request, the system stamps the hold refund until date corresponding to each account in the hold request. The hold refund until date is set to the hold entity end date or refund process end date whichever is earlier. This means that the system will allow to process the refund request of the account only after hold refund until date. If the number of accounts in a hold request is less than the defer processing count specified in the respective hold request type, the system stamps the hold refund until date immediately for each account in the hold request. In addition, the system changes the status of the refund request (if any) for respective accounts to Hold.

However, if the number of accounts in a hold request is equal to or greater than the defer processing count specified in the respective hold request type, the system stamps the hold refund until date for each account in the hold request when the C1-HLMON batch is executed. In addition, the C1-HLMON batch changes the status of the refund request (if any) for respective accounts to Hold.

When you manually release a hold request from the user interface, the system sets the hold request, hold entities, and hold processes end dates (which are later than or equal to the system date) to the system date and then changes the status of the hold request to Released. In addition, if the number of accounts in a hold request is less than the defer processing count specified in the respective hold request type, the system immediately sets the hold refund until date (which is later than or equal to the system date) to the system date for the account in the hold request. In addition, the system immediately changes the status of the refund request (if any) for respective accounts from Hold to its previous status.

However, if the number of accounts in a hold request is equal to or greater than the defer processing count specified in the respective hold request type, the system sets the hold refund until date (which is later than or equal to the system date) to the system date for the account in the hold request when the C1-HLMON batch is executed. In addition, the C1-HLMON batch changes the status of the refund request (if any) for respective accounts from Hold to its previous status.