Inbound Message Content

The Inbound Message Content zone displays the content of the inbound message in the XML format. By default, each tag in the inbound message is expanded. You can collapse the tag whenever required.

For more information about the tags, refer to the respective XML format section:

Inbound Message XML Format
Health Care Inbound Message Health Care Inbound Message XML Format
Health Product and Plan Inbound Message Health Product and Plan Inbound Message XML Format

Once the inbound message is validated and processed either from the user interface or through a batch process, the following tags appear at the bottom of the inbound message in the Inbound Message Content zone:

Tag Name Tag Description
toDoRetry Displays the information about the retry option used for the inbound message.
retryDateTime Displays the date and time when the retry option is used to change the status of the inbound message from Rejected to Pending.
numberOfRetries Indicates the number of times the retry option is used for the inbound message.
currentErrorState Indicates the status to which the inbound message is transitioned when its validation or processing fails. The valid value is:

isRetried Indicates whether the retry option is used to change the status of the inbound message. The valid values are:
  • true

  • false

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