Offset Request Type

Oracle Revenue Management and Billing allows you to define an offset request type using which you can create an offset request. It is the offset request type which helps the system to determine the following:

  • The business object using which the offset request should be created in the system.

  • The default adjustment type using which the transfer or offset adjustments should be created in the system.

  • The algorithm which helps to calculate default offset amount when a bill is added to the offset request.

  • Whether approval is required while offsetting bills through an offset request.

  • Whether an offset request must be processed in the deferred mode or in real time (i.e. immediately)

  • The maximum search period (in days) that you want to allow while searching bills in an offset request.

  • Whether transfer or offset adjustments should be created while offsetting bills through an offset request.

  • Whether a debit bill with credit line item as a credit bill should be created in an offset request

The Offset Request Type screen allows you to define, edit, delete, and copy an offset request type. It contains the following zones:

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How to define an offset request type Defining an Offset Request Type
How to edit an offset request type Editing an Offset Request Type
How to delete an offset request type Deleting an Offset Request Type
How to copy an offset request type Copying an Offset Request Type
How to view the details of an offset request type Viewing the Offset Request Type Details

Parent topic: Offset Request