Payment Record Status Transition

The following figure graphically indicates how a payment record moves from one status to another during the payment upload process:

The figure indicates how a payment record moves from one status to another during the payment upload process.

The following table lists the scenarios when a payment record is set to Invalid or Error status:

Scenario Payment Record Status
The system could not find the payee account ID for a given account identifier type and account identifier combination when the payee account ID is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The payee account ID specified in the payment record does not exist in the system. Invalid
The payee account ID, account identifier type, or account identifier are not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The match type is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The match type specified in the payment record does not exist in the system. Error
The match value is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The currency code does not exist in the system. Invalid
The tender amount is either zero or not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The payment amount is either zero or not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The bank account is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The payment type (i.e. tender type) does not exist in the system. Invalid
The payment type is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The tender ID is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The date received is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The payor account ID specified in the payment record does not exist in the system. Invalid
The characteristic type specified in the payment record does not exist in the system. Invalid
If a characteristic type is specified, but the characteristic value is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
If a characteristic value is specified, but the characteristic type is not specified in the payment record. Invalid
The characteristic value does not match any predefined value when the characteristic value type is set to Predefined Value. Invalid
Note: The system does the match type and match value related validations when the Is Match Type Validation Required (Y/N) parameter is set to Y in the validation algorithm.