
To setup the payment upload process, you need to do the following:

  • Define the required match types with the appropriate payment distribution override and manual distribution algorithms.

  • Define the required tender types in the system.

  • Define the required currency codes in the system.

  • Define the required tender sources in the system.

  • Define the required characteristic types where the characteristic entity is set to Payment.

  • Create a mapping algorithm using the C1-CSVUPLPAY algorithm type.

  • Create a validation algorithm using the C1-PUPLVALID algorithm type.

  • Define the required file types where the feed type is set to Payment Upload Data.

  • Assign the PUPL To Do type to a To Do role whose users must receive the To Do generated while executing the Payment Upload (PUPL) batch.

  • Set the batch control type of the Payment Upload (PUPL) batch to Timed and define the following attributes:

    • Time Interval

    • Timer Active

    • User ID

    • Batch Language

    • Email Address

Note: If you want to use the Payment Upload feature in an ORMB Cloud Service Premium Edition environment, you need to set the Payment Upload Extendable Lookup and Bucket option type of the C1-CFS feature configuration.

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