Rejecting a Valid Record

You can view the number of records which are pending for approval in the Submitted column corresponding to the usage data file in the Usage Data Processing screen. The approver can review, and accordingly approve or reject the usage record based on the observations.

Note: The system will not allow you to approve or reject a usage record submitted by you.


To reject a valid record:

  1. Do either of the following:
    If you want to...Then...
    Reject the usage record from the Usage Data Processing screen
    1. Search for the usage data file in the Usage Data Processing screen.

    2. In the Search Results section, click the Approve (The Approve Icon) icon corresponding to the usage data file whose records you want to review.

    Reject the usage record from the To Do List screen
    1. From the Main Menu, select To Do and then click To Do List.

      The To Do Type for User Search window appears.

    2. Select the type of To Do entries you want to view.

      The To Do List screen appears.

    3. Select Open from the Filter by list to view all unassigned To Dos.

    4. Click the Submitted Message link corresponding to the To Do entry whose records you want to review.

    The Usage Data screen appears.
  2. Review the usage records which you want approve or reject.
  3. Do either of the following:
    If you want to...Then...
    Reject one or more usage records
    1. If the usage record is not appropriate, then select the check box corresponding to the usage record.

    2. Click Reject.

    Reject all usage records
    1. Click Reject All.

    The Rejection Reason screen appears. It contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Reason Used to indicate the reason why you want to reject the usage record. Yes
    Comments Used to specify additional information while rejecting the usage record. Yes
  4. Select the reason for rejecting the usage record and enter the comments in the respective field.
    Note: The ODB_​REJ_​RSN_​FLG lookup field values appear in the Reason list.
  5. Click OK.
    The status of the usage record is changed to Rejected. A To Do entry is created for the submitter to include correct or missing data.

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