Usage Data Processing

The Usage Data Processing screen allows you to search for a usage data file based on various search criteria. Through this screen, you can:

  • Upload a usage data file

  • Cancel a usage data file

  • View all records uploaded through a usage data file

  • View the valid, invalid, and cancelled records of a usage data file

  • View the valid records of a usage data file which are submitted for approval

  • View the valid records of a usage data file for which billable charges are already created

  • View the rejected, billed and unbilled records of a usage data file

  • Submit the valid records of a usage data file and create billable charges for them

  • Approve or reject one or more valid records of a usage data file

  • Revalidate the valid and invalid records of a usage data file

  • Edit the valid, invalid and rejected records of a usage data file

  • Export the usage data of a usage data file into a CSV file

This screen consists of the following zones:

Related Topics

For more information on... See...
How to upload a usage data file Uploading a Usage Data File
How to search for a usage data file Searching for a Usage Data File
How to view all records of a usage data file Viewing All Records of a Usage Data File
How to view valid records of a usage data file Viewing Valid Records of a Usage Data File
How to view invalid records of a usage data file Viewing Invalid Records of a Usage Data File
How to view submitted records of a usage data file Viewing Submitted Records of a Usage Data File
How to view processed records of a usage data file Viewing Processed Records of a Usage Data File
How to view rejected records of a usage data file Viewing Rejected Records of a Usage Data File
How to view cancelled records of a usage data file Viewing Cancelled Records of a Usage Data File
How to view billed records of a usage data file Viewing Billed Records of a Usage Data File
How to view unbilled records of a usage data file Viewing Unbilled Records of a Usage Data File
How to submit the valid records Submitting a Valid Record
How to edit the valid, invalid or rejected records Editing a Valid, Invalid, or Rejected Usage Record
How to approve the valid records Approving a Valid Record
How to reject the valid records Rejecting a Valid Record
How to cancel a usage data file Cancelling a Usage Data File
How to revalidate a usage data file Revalidating a Usage Data File
How to export usage data into CSV file Exporting Usage Data into CSV file

Parent topic: On Demand Billing