On Demand Billing

The On Demand Billing screen allows you to search for a file group based on various search criteria. Through this screen, you can:

  • Define a file group

  • Edit a file group

  • Delete a file group

  • Close a file group

  • Generate adhoc bills for a file group

  • Freeze and complete adhoc bills of a file group

  • View all bills generated for a file group

  • View usage data files of a file group

  • Cancel a usage data file

This screen consists of the following zones:

Related Topics

For more information on... See...
How to search for a file group Searching for a File Group
How to define a file group Defining a File Group
How to edit a file group Editing a File Group
How to delete a file group Deleting a File Group
How to close a file group Closing a File Group
How to generate adhoc bills for a file group Generating Adhoc Bills for a File Group
How to freeze and complete one or more bills Freezing Selected Bills of a File Group
How to freeze and complete all bills of a file group Freezing All Bills of a File Group
How to view all bills generated for a file group Viewing All Bills Generated for a File Group
How to view usage data files of a file group Viewing Usage Data Files of a File Group
How to cancel a usage data file Cancelling a Usage Data File

Parent topic: On Demand Billing