Closing a File Group


To close a file group:

  1. Click the Menu link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Main menu, select Billing Management and then click On Demand Billing.
    The On Demand Billing screen appears.
  3. Search for the file group in the On Demand Billing screen.
  4. In the Search Results section, click the Close (The Close Icon) icon in the Close column corresponding to the file group that you want to close.
    The status of the file group is changed to Closed.
    Note: You can only close a file group in which all the records of the usage data files are either in the processed, cancelled, or rejected status. However, you may close a file group in which all the records are not in the cancelled and/or processed status, but in that case a to do entry is sent to the approver for approval of the pending records.

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