Search File Record Detail

The Search File Record Detail zone

Column Name Column Description
Request Id Displays the identifier that represents the individual file record.
Record Identifier Displays the field and the value that is defined as the record identifier while defining the configuration for the file request type.
Note: The Record Identifier column(s) appears when the file status is in Error.
Error Message Displays the error message of the file request.
Retry Count Displays the number of retry attempts made for the file record.
Record Payload Displays the actual record payload that is uploaded by the legacy system.
Transformed Record Payload Displays the transformed record payload in XML format.
Note: The transformed record payload in XML format is applicable to those file request types that have File Transformation Required flag set as True.
Retry Count Displays the number of retry attempts to be performed for the record.
Record Status Displays the status of the service record.
Record Upload Date Time Displays the date and time of the records when they are uploaded.
Record Update Date Time Displays the date and time of the records when they are updated.

In addition to the above columns, a Update Record Status button appears just before the above columns.

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