This Cancel Criteria algorithm will return that the delinquency process for an account is OK to be cancelled if any of the below criteria is satisfied:

  • The bill(s) is(are) paid and in turn the customer's or account's unpaid balance within the tolerance limit, or

  • Collection class of the account or customer changes

  • For Individual customer Delinquency, if voluntary termination is received for the memberships with a termination date on or before the calculated termination date

  • For Individual customer Delinquency, if voluntary cancellation is received for the memberships.

It has the below parameters:

  • Tolerance Percentage. Required. This holds the percentage value (unpaid amount with respect to original amount) for the payment tolerance limit.

  • Tolerance Amount. Required. This holds the dollar value for the payment tolerance limit.

  • Tolerance Amount and Percentage Required (Y/ N). Required. If set to Y, both Tolerance Percentage and Tolerance Amount conditions are enforced. If set to N, either one can be enforced.

  • Include On Account Payments In Threshold Evaluation - Y/N. Optional. This parameter determines if On Account payments need to be considered when evaluating for unpaid thresholds.

  • On Account Payments Contract Types. Optional. Provide up to 20 comma separated contract type codes. Required if Include On Account Payments In Threshold Evaluation = Y

  • Use Current Revenue Period Billed For Latest Overdue Due Date In Threshold Evaluation - Y/N. Optional. This parameter determines if the total billed for the latest overdue due date is used when evaluating for unpaid thresholds.

  • Which Date Determines Age ('D' - Due Date or 'B' - Bill Date). This parameter controls if a bill's age is computed using its due date or its bill date (bill date is typically the completion date). Required if Include Use Current Revenue Period Billed For Latest Overdue Due Date In Threshold Evaluation - Y/N = Y

  • Only Process Bills with an Age >= This Value. Optional. A bill must be >= this many days old to be processed. It is used to distinguish aged bills from credit bills placed on the delinquency process. Required if Include Use Current Revenue Period Billed For Latest Overdue Due Date In Threshold Evaluation - Y/N = Y

  • Delinquency Process Cancel Reason for Unpaid Amount Reduction. Optional. Value must be a valid Business Object Cancel Reason for Delinquency Process. This parameter holds the cancel reason for canceling the delinquency process due to the unpaid amount or percentage falling within the threshold.

  • Delinquency Process Cancel Reason for Collection Class Change. Optional. Value must be a valid Business Object Cancel Reason for Delinquency Process. This parameter holds the cancel reason for canceling the delinquency process due to a change in the collection class of the person or account.

  • Evaluate Customer Status when all Events are Completed. Required. (Y/N). This parameter determines whether to evaluate the customer status for termination or cancellation when all the events of the Delinquency Process are in Completed status.


This algorithm is invoked when you execute the Delinquency Monitor (C1-DPMON) batch.

The C1-CANDELPRC algorithm type is shipped with the product. You must attach an algorithm created using the C1-CANDELPRC algorithm type to the Cancel Criteria system event defined for the delinquency process type.