This Cancel Criteria algorithm is to be used for Fully Insured Individual delinquency processes. It will return that the Delinquency Process for the Account of the Individual is OK to be cancelled if the individual is effectuated (that is, the PTD is non-blank on the account) and either of the below conditions are satisfied:

  • If the delinquency process is for an individual with APTC benefit and the earliest unpaid coverage period, which started the delinquency, no longer has APTC benefit, or

  • If the delinquency process is for an individual without APTC benefit and the earliest unpaid coverage period, which started the delinquency, now has APTC benefit.

This algorithm contains the following soft parameters:

  • Delinquency Process Cancel Reason For APTC Benefit Update - This is a valid Delinquency Process cancel status reason updated on the Delinquency Process record for APTC benefit update.

  • Delinquency Process Type Field Mapping - Individual - This is Field Mapping code for Delinquency process Type for Individual customer.


This algorithm determines the cancellation of a delinquency process for a customer or an account when the total number of paid bills and unpaid bill balance is within the tolerance limit, or when the customer class of an account or customer is changed. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the Delinquency Monitor (C1-DPMON) batch.

The C1-CANDPAPTC algorithm type is shipped with the product. You must attach an algorithm created using the C1-CANDPAPTC algorithm type to the Cancel Criteria system event defined for the delinquency process type.