C1-CreatePayment Business Service

The Create Payments (C1-CreatePaymentService) business service is used for creating payments in the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application based on the data provided from the external systems through an inbound web service. This business service will use the existing payments services CILPEVTP and CILPPAYP for payment creation and event purposes.

While creating a payment, you need to provide a match value (such as a bill or contract) based on which the system summarizes all of the tender amounts in the system to be used as the payment amount to create the payment.
Note: The create payment business service distributes and freezes the payment based on the match type, provided in the form of an input to the business service.
Depending on the number of tender types, one or more Pay Tender Ids are created in the system. The system won’t allow more than four tenders and five payment tender characteristics as an input to the business service.
Note: You have to set M as the value for the CI_​PAY_​EVENT and PAY_​EVENT_​MODE payment events, as the payment related information can be easily viewed on the Payment Event AWB screen.
Once the payment is successfully created, this business service responds with the following fields:
  • Payment ID

  • Payment Event ID

  • Payment Status (Frozen or Error)

  • Response Message (Success / Failure)

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Parent Topic: Payment Creation, Cancellation, Transfer, and View Through Inbound Web Service