C1-TransferPayment Business Service

The Transfer Payments (C1-TransferPaymentService) business service is used to transfer the frozen payments in the Oracle Revenue Management and Billing application based match value which is provided from the external system through an inbound web service.

You must provide the transfer type and transfer reason as mandatory input parameters to the transfer payment business service. If type of transfer is Payment Event, you must provide the payment event Id, where all the frozen payments (belonging to this payment event Id) are canceled, and a new payment in the frozen state is created. The summation of all these payment amount is used as the transfer amount, applied to the provided match value. If the type of cancelation is Payment ID, you must provide the payment Id, where the payment amount is used as the transfer amount, applied to the provided match value.

Once the payments are successfully transferred, the business service responds by returning the following fields:
  • Payment Payment ID : {new payment created}

  • Response Message

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Parent Topic: C1-TransferPayment Business Service